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Gurudev, is it necessary to have faith in God? Does God really exist? Have you seen God?
God is not a thing that drops from the top and says, “Child, what do you want, I am very happy with you”. He is never going to say this! That substance, from which everything is made, is God. That in which everything is sustained, is God. Before under ... -
I have told my boss that I have faith in the Bhagavad Gita. So, when I work for him, I work without expecting any fruits for my actions. Since then my boss has stopped paying my salary. What should I do? Was that a mistake?
I don’t think it was because of the Bhagavad Gita. You may not have worked properly! You might have been chanting in your work place, or did not work at all. I have to hear the other side of the story as well my dear, before I give you any verdict ... -
Gurudev, sometimes our prayers get a little delayed in getting answered, is this because the number of your devotees are increasing day by day? How do you keep up with the demands of your devotees?
The consciousness is like a super computer. It is not a body but a consciousness and there is only one consciousness in the entire universe. So, to whom-so-ever you may connect to, whom-so-ever you pray to, it connects to the same consciousness. The div ... -
Gurudev, could you give me reason why faith gets shaken during difficult times in life?
Faith remains in you. Faith is in the center core, and doubt is only on the circumference. They sometimes come like clouds and obscure you, but they really cannot destroy the faith. ... -
How to get the strength to raise two young kids after losing my husband in a foreign land?
You should know that there God is with you. There is a higher power that will hold your hand through the whole journey. You will be able to overcome the crisis and be successful in it.You know, I was in Kurdistan, in Iraq, and about 1.5 mil ... -
Gurudev, if Isha is the force that protects us, what about people who are in poverty, disease, losses and danger? If it is their karma, isn’t the divinity protecting people with karma?
Protection is relevant only when there is a challenge. A doctor is relevant only when there is a sickness. Did you get it? You have to rethink your question. How do you even know that there is protection by your side? When there is an issue, then you ... -
Gurudev, I am beginning to lose faith in you, what do I do?
That is good. Faith is not that which can come to an end, this is the first thing.You are trying to run away from something in your life, and you are using God or your Guru as a pretext or reason for doing so. Faith that is built in su ... -
How can a person build up faith? Or is it a talent with which one is born with?
You cannot build up faith, you should simply become aware of your doubts and drop them. When you drop your doubts, faith is already there.A doubt is like a cloud hovering over the mind. Wake up and realize, 'What is this doubt? It is o ... -
What is faith?
That which withstands all doubts is faith. Your doubt is always about something that is POSITIVE. You doubt the honesty of somebody, you never doubt the dishonesty of someone. You doubt the love of somebody, not the hate of anyone. You doubt your happin ... -
Dear Gurudev, what is the main mantra or key to happiness in life?
The key to happiness in life is to not stay stuck in 'I…Me…Mine' (meaning one’s own personal desires or material gains). Dedicate your life to some larger goal, or to the service of others around you. The ...