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Gurudev, why did Lord Krishna not come to Abhimanyu’s rescue in the fierce battle the way He had rescued and helped Draupadi? What is the secret here?
Lord Krishna came to rescue Draupadi when she called Him for help. Abhimanyu (Arjuna’s son) was a warrior. He had decided to sacrifice himself in the war for the noble cause. But he did not learn the intricacies of war completely. He only half-und ... -
Gurudev, Astrology is regarded as the eyes of the Vedas. Does our life really depend on the position and movements of the planets and stars?
Every particle in this Creation is related to us and our life. So it is not just the stars on the screen (here jokingly referring to movie stars), but all the stars, planets and other heavenly bodies have an effect on our lives.It is sai ... -
What is the difference between free will and destiny?
Just know that life is not entirely free will or destiny alone. It is a combination of the two. For example, your height is your destiny and your weight is your free will. ... -
Gurudev, the mind gets disturbed on listening to the wrong deeds being performed by saints and religious leaders. Please guide us how to handle this.
See, there are thousands of saints and religious leaders in the country. Out of this, if two or three are found to commit wrong deeds, or if they get stuck in wrong thinking, then one should not let their own mind get troubled and become negative becaus ... -
Gurudev, is it destiny or our actions that decides our future? I have heard many times that whatever is going to happen is already pre-decided. Is it true? If that is so, then we should not be made responsible for our good and bad actions. I have been confused about all this for a very long time. Please help me understand this.
This is a very deep subject. If everything was already predestined, then what is the need to do anything? Then doing Sadhana, chanting mantras or offering worship to God would all be useless activities. See, when it comes to animals and other living c ... -
Gurudev, if everything is predestined, then what is the use of action, or free will?
If everything was predestined, then there would be no use of free will. No, you should use your Viveka (the sense of discrimination of right from wrong), and understand that some things are predestined, but then you are also given free will to make ... -
What is the part played by destiny in our coming here and meeting you, and what is the role played by pure chance?
Life is a combination of both (destiny and chance). There is a little role played by our destiny, and a greater part played by our free will also. So it is never either this or that alone. Like for any moment, there is both a past and a future also. The ... -
Gurudev, can destiny be changed by changing the name? Or by changing the spelling of the name?
Some numerologists do say this. But listen, you are beyond the name. With small things like changing the name, or wearing some stone, can our destiny be changed? No. Your sentiment can change your destiny. If your feelings are pure, your heart is filled wi ... -
Gurudev, can destiny be changed by changing the name? Or by changing the spelling of the name?
Some numerologists do say this. But listen, you are beyond the name. With small things like changing the name, or wearing some stone, can our destiny be changed? No. Your sentiment can change your destiny. If your feelings are pure, your heart is filled ... -
Gurudev, can destiny be changed by changing the name? Or by changing the spelling of the name?
Some numerologists do say this. But listen, you are beyond the name. With small things like changing the name, or wearing some stone, can our destiny be changed? No. Your sentiment can change your destiny. If your feelings are pure, your heart is filled ...