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Gurudev, can you tell us the significance of places like Haridwar and Varanasi? We hear they are man made channels and gateways to heaven; not part of this world.
No, nothing like that. See, you come to ashram and as soon as you get in, don’t you feel some change? Everybody feels a change. Varanasi was at one point of time a place where all intellectuals used to live. All mediators were in Haridwar. It ... -
Gurudev, please tell us how to make the relationship between India and Pakistan stronger. As a young individual what should I do? I think the rivalry should only be limited to cricket.
The friendship between India and Pakistan should increase. More and more people should meet each other from both the countries and tolerance should increase in both countries. Then the relationship will improve. ... -
Gurudev, farmers have been working the hardest since ages, and are becoming poorer day by day. What can be done for them?
For one thing, the farmers have been adding these imported chemicals to the soil which has ruined the soil and also reduced production. Farmers should focus on chemical-free farming. In our country there are so many types of wheat, and so many differe ...