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What is the purpose of marriage?
You are asking the wrong person. Ask those who are married, ask them this question.I would say, it is an important institution. And if you want to have children, then definitely you should get married and have children and give them a good education ... -
What do we need to do to increase faith?
There is no need to put effort. Faith comes by itself. There are 3 types of faith: 1) Faith in ourselves 2) Faith in the society 3) Faith in a supreme power that governs us all If we have faith in any one of these, we can progress in ... -
Faith and love
God does not wish you to have more faith because the more faith you have, the more work for God. God will have to run behind you; then you start controlling Him. He is the servant of faithful servants and He does not want too many servants telling Him wha ... -
Reason and Faith
Reason is reeling in the known. Faith is moving in the unknown. Reason is repetition. Faith is exploration. Reason is routine. Faith is adventure. They are completely opposite, yet an integral part of life. Not having faith itself is misery; f ... -
The big dilemma
If there is complete faith, then there are no questions. If you don't have any faith then there is no point in asking any questions because how can there be any faith in the answer that is given? Harish: What About The Questions That We Ask With Com ... -
Faith and Alertness
Faith and alertness appear to be completely opposite in nature. When you are alert, usually there is no faith and you feel restless and insecure. When there is faith, the mind is secure and rested and you are not alert. There are three types of faith: Tam ... -
Sound Faith
Have faith in the sound and move on to have faith in the silence. Have faith in sound when it is pleasant and have faith in the silence when the sound is unpleasant. When someone says something bad, you immediately believe it and the mind becomes more dis ... -
Faith: A Quality Of Undivided Consciousness
That in which you have faith, do not make it an object of knowing. Faith is the nature of undivided mind, undivided consciousness. We have faith in God, do not try to know God. We have faith in Self, do not try to know Self. You can't have faith in t ... -
Faith is your wealth
Faith is a wealth. If you think, by having faith in God you are doing a favour to God, you are mistaken. Faith gives you strength instantaneously. Faith brings you stability, centeredness, calmness and love. You’re having faith in the Guru or God does not ... -
False Security
False securities do not allow your faith to grow. When you have dropped your securities, then your faith grows. When you buffer your life with securities, you keep the faith away. It is the faith that brings perfection in you. Faith is the greatest securi ...