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Gurudev, I am thinking that life is an illusion. Is there anything we have control over in our life? Do we have control over birth and death? Please explain.
Yes, we do have control. If we have no control over anything, why even ask a question? Life is a beautiful combination of both, free will and destiny. There are many things that you can do, and some things you must accept, which are beyo ... -
Gurudev, according to the Law of Karma, things are destined for you based on your past actions, and the Law of Attraction says you create your own experiences, consciously or unconsciously. I am confused, please explain.
There are certain karmas that you can erase. There are certain karmas that you cannot erase; they are just like exit points in the freeway, you can only exit at these points. If you miss an exit point, then you have no choice but to keep driving till the n ... -
Dear Gurudev, if God in the end is the doer, then how come a living being is responsible for karma, or results of action?
See, doership goes with enjoyership. If you are not the doer, you are not also experiencing the consequence. You can’t say, ‘I am not the doer; God made me eat more food but I am having a tummy ache.’ I would say, 'God is having the tummy ache. Where ... -
Shall I blame our luck or destiny if something bad happens to me?
Why do you want to blame? Tell me! If something bad has happened, learn a lesson from it. Everything that has gone wrong has made you stronger, deeper somewhere. It has contributed to your personality, isn’t it? So be thankful, and move on.< ... -
Like a GPS you guide us to our goal and destiny, but what is our goal and destiny?
You should make a list of what is not your goal. I want you to discover for yourself what is your goal, and what is it that you want to do. One thing you should know is that you are very lucky. You are in a time where you are leading the world. Y ... -
Like a GPS you guide us to our goal and destiny, but what is our goal and destiny?
You should make a list of what is not your goal. I want you to discover for yourself what is your goal, and what is it that you want to do. One thing you should know is that you are very lucky. You are in a time where you are leading the world. Y ... -
Gurudev, if everything is already written then where does karma come into play?
You are saying that everything is written, but it is not like that. Some things are destiny, and some free will. For example, it is raining, that is destiny. To get wet or not is your free will; that is your choice. If you take an umbrella, you will n ... -
Do we create our reality or is everything predetermined?
Do you have a dog at home? (Answer: Yes) See, when you go to the park, you go with a leash on the dog. That is legal. Now, the dog has freedom only for the length of the leash. Correct? It can sit very close to where the leash is, or go ... -
We are all born with the breath and with all the knowledge inside. So, why is everybody not a Guru like you? Using the knowledge why have you become a Guru?
You know in the grand design we all have come here with some grand plan. It is like – you do this, you do this and you do that. See, when this building was built, all the material was kept somewhere. But, then the architect said, ‘The window will be he ... -
If everything is destined, what is the power of prayer?
Everything is not fixed. There are some things that are fixed and some things that are not fixed, and prayer is the bridge between them. ...