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What Sri Sri said:
Arosa, (Switzerland), May 09, (Saturday) : The manifest world that we perceive, or our experience, is the tip of the iceberg. All that we experience through the senses is a small part of the universe. Most is unmanifest. That is full. To understand, we mus ... -
Love- The Question of an answer
In a congregation, H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar asked, “How many of you feel strong?” Many people raised their hands.H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar then asked, “Why?”“Because you are with us,” they answered.“Only those who feel weak can surrender,” G ... -
What Sri Sri said today: April 30
‘That beautiful combination of commitment, and dispassion is the most important thing’ Bad Antogast, (Germany), April 30 (Thursday): “Life needs to be a perfect balance between sound and silence, between dynamic activity and stillness, between being funny ... -
What Sri Sri said today:
'Speech is only in silence'Bad Antogast, (Germany), April 29 (Wednesday): An audience representing 31 countries sat rapt in attention as His Holiness Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar spoke this evening:'There is nothing to say. In the silence of the Guru, ques ... -
What Sri Sri Said Today
n n ‘Meditation, & compassion are the best education for the soul’ Sofia (Bulgaria), April 25 (Saturday): When disembarking from the flight to Sofia on April 25, HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was asked: What made you commit your life to building a w ... -
The power of your vote
H.H. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar walks the talk by casting his vote at the recent elections in Karnataka, India - April 23, 2009India's problems are complex. And unfortunately these are compounded by vote-bank politics. Instead of uniting the different se ... -
What Sri Sri said:
"I have committed myself to building a violence-free world because of my love for humanity"Bulgaria, Europe, April 25(Saturday): Gurudev is currently in Bulgaria. On his arrival, he was interviewed on 'Seismograph', a prime time show with Svetla Petrova, ... -
Respect everybody as you respect me
Respect everybody as you respect me, but don’t expect from everyone what you expect from me.You usually do it the other way: You don’t respect everybody as you respect me, but you expect them to give you joy and behave ideally. When they don’t live up to y ... -
‘You will soon return to your homes in peace’
Day 2: Apr. 21, Refugee camp, Vavunia: Gurudev comforted the displaced people in Sri Lanka:‘The Art of Living Foundation and I are right with you in your hour of need’ Day 1: Apr. 20, Colombo: 'We have to bring back the principles of non-viole ...