What do you do when someone behaves very rudely to you?
- Get upset
- React rudely back
- Get frustrated
- Run-away from and avoid the person or the situation
- Blame the person
- Preach to the person
None of these will in any way strengthen you.
Then what are the options? See rude behavior in this light:
- It indicates the intensity of their commitment
- It indicates the amount of stress and insensitivity
- It projects the up-bringing of the person
- It indicates a behavioral pattern
- It shows lack of knowledge
- It shows lack of observation of one's own mind and its sensations
- It shows you behavior to avoid
- It is an opportunity for you to welcome and absorb the rudeness
- It strengthens your mind
- It unconditions the love that you are
The next time when someone is rude to you, make sure you don't get upset. Just give back a broad smile. If you can digest the rudeness, nothing whatsoever can shake you.