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What is dark matter? Is this mentioned in the Upanishads?
No, it is mentioned in the Rig Veda. In the Rig Veda, there is a chapter on creation in which this is one of the verse – In the beginning, there was a darkness that was covered by darkness. This the pundits could never interpret - the ... -
Gurudev, in one of your talks you have said that the present moment is so vast and deep, that it is unfathomable. The whole of the past and the future are in the present moment. If the past and future are in the present moment, then how is it possible to change the future? And if the future can be changed, can the past also be changed?
Yes, this is a great mystery. You can only live the mystery, you cannot comprehend it. Do not think that there is only one dimension to the creation that we are in. There are many dimensions – one within the other. That is why it is unfathomable.< ... -
Why does this world exist?
I think you don’t have any other question to ask! Why does this world exist? I have no idea! But instead of finding why this world exists, you can ask, 'Why do I exist'.I have answer for that. You are here to make this world a ... -
Gurudev, if this creation is an illusion, then the knowledge which is a part of this creation is also an illusion. What then is the relevance of Upanishads and other scriptures?
Well, then your question is also an illusion. Why should I answer an ‘illusion’? (Laughter) See, you should not make comparisons. Everything here is unique and has its own place, so it should be honoured and respected accordingly. ... -
Dear Gurudev, yesterday you said that the space around the Sun is negative energy. How can space which is empty be positive or negative?
No, I said, there is dark matter and dark energy. Dark energy is not negative. This is a scientific term for an energy which is not visible as a bright one. It is nothing to do with voodoo or black magic.Physicists call the energy around the sun, ... -
Dear Gurudev, theoretically I can understand advaita (non-duality) philosophy. But how to bring that as an experience?
No, no, this is pure science. For pure science, you do not need to bring it to experience.Advaita is seeing everything is one. This will help you to be stable. But when you are dealing in the world, you have to deal with duality only. Got it? ... -
Gurudev, the theory of creation in the scriptures seems to contradict the theory of evolution according to Charles Darwin. Could you talk about which one to believe?
Which theory of creation that you are thinking is contradictory? Actually the whole world is just appearance. It appears to be so. You should read Yoga Vashishtha. You will get more idea about it. When you keep a spoon inside the water, half of t ... -
Do animals have a mind? How come they don’t have any mental issues?
Animals do have a mind, they do have the feelings.There was an article on how a leopard helped a baby monkey survive, and how a dog was helped by a dolphin. These are such many amazing things.Usually we use the phrase ‘fighting like dogs and ... -
At what point in creation do things that are alive get souls? I am referring to mosquitoes, trees, bacteria, cells, and so on.
Soul is in everything, right from an ant to bacteria; it is there everywhere. But a mature soul enters into your system at a particular stage, either during conception or in the fourth or fifth month, or even at the time of birth. These are the three po ... -
Gurudev, when we are all a part of the One consciousness, then how does the quality of the same consciousness vary in different souls?
It does vary. You use the same flour to cook Samosa (an Indian savoury snack), Chappati (Indian flatbread eaten with meals), and Parantha (stuffed flatbread). So it is the same flour which is used to make all three, yet all three ar ...