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My wife gets angry. Sometimes I fight back else I run away. How do I develop strength to face her and calm her down?
Sometime back, when I spoke about women empowerment initiatives in society, there are some associations for battered and distressed husbands also who approached me. They wrote a letter to me saying, “Gurudev, you seem to only talk about disadvanta ... -
How can I build a happy and successful relationship with my husband so that the relationship remains constant?
First of all, do not go after building a successful and happy relationship. Take it for granted that your relationship is already happy and successful. That is because the moment you want to build something, you start behaving unnaturally. You ar ... -
Gurudev, is there a secret to relationships? How can I improve my relationship with my spouse?
Well, you’re asking the wrong person. I have no experience in this. But still I would say, you need to accept the differences, and not insist on others changing to your way at once. You can only suggest your way to others, but not in ... -
Gurudev, I am unable to express myself properly. I love to complicate things, and then I end up losing friends. Please advise.
Talk less, and smile more. When you find some friction coming your way and you can feel it, just be aware of what you are doing. And don’t forget to meditate. When you meditate, you emit positive vibes around you. We convey more through our vibes ... -
How does one know if something is coming from one’s head or heart?
The heart is stronger than the head. Anything that comes from the heart comes with passion; anything that comes from the head comes with ambition. Sometimes, both together, can bring up your feelings, emotions and thoughts. Do business with your ... -
My daughter has married a boy from another religion. My wife holds me responsible for this, since it was my idea to send her for further studies. How is this my fault, what position do I take and how do I get out of all this?
Everyone has to get out of here, some day. Until one leaves, keep smiling, keep good relations and give love to everyone. Make everyone happy. Tell your daughter not to leave her religion. She should continue to have faith in her religion and al ... -
How to change someone’s nature?
Why do you want to change someone else’s nature? If you want to change someone’s nature because what they are doing is troubling you, then it is never going to change! However, if we wish that they change their nature because it will harm th ... -
If love is unconditional then why do we keep expecting something or the other from loved ones?
Well, expectations are also natural. When they do come up, you should simply be aware that by expecting you are only reducing the joy. When you grow in wisdom, you will see that all these impressions will drop off and give way to something much bigger a ... -
If one becomes dispassionate, then the family members think we are ignorant and neglectful. Please specify the fine line that differentiates the two, and how can we answer to the family in such situations?
You cannot go on answering everyone’s questions or responding to their opinions; or trying to correct them all the time. If you are true to yourself and you know that deep down you care a lot for them, then that is good enough. You should walk you ... -
Gurudev, ego, misunderstandings and doubts have destroyed my relationship. What is the secret of loving relationships?
Just be natural and accept people. Love is always about giving. Know that you have come here (on the planet) to only give [625231:love] and not demand love from anybody. ...