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Gurudev, you once mentioned that the movie has already been filmed and now it’s all happening. Could you please explain more on this mystery of time?
Yes, the movie has already been shot and you are just seeing it. That's from one dimension. .Mysteries cannot be explained, it can only be experienced. Mystery is only there to create a wow! And the wow is when the mind transcends and goes int ... -
Gurudev, we the French think that reason and logic is the ultimate tool of understanding. But in India, there are so many things that we cannot understand with our logic. How do you explain that?
That is what is called wonder. In wonderland there is no explanation. You wonder anything and go, 'Wow'. And when you go into wonder with deep faith, then comes great understanding. It gives you an insight of another dimension of existence ... -
Gurudev, I am always in the state of “I don’t know” in life. How should we define our purpose in life?
By moving to the more beautiful stage of wonderment of ‘I don’t know’! You know, there are two types of ‘I don’t know’. One is when you are so frustrated that we say, ‘Don’t ask me, I don’t know. Get out!’ But there is another ‘I don’t know’. This comes fr ... -
Is Atman one or many? If it is one, what carries individual karma and takes it from one body to another? What retains the individuality even after one is enlightened? Is there one enlightened being or many?
With the questions you asked, we could write a book! We will take it all up sometime. Right now, you keep wondering about that. ... -
How to explain this restlessness in my heart which arises when I feel ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Why am I here?’
This is very good! This longing is very necessary in life. This longing will uplift you. Who am I? What is all this? Why am I here? These are beautiful questions, be with them. Do not ask anyone for the answer, just keep asking yourself. Whe ... -
Gurudev, we have heard so many stories about you. Can you show us some miracles?
How many of you have experienced miracles in your life? Raise your hands. See! Everybody has experienced miracles. I hardly find any hand which is not raised. Life itself is a miracle. Honor it! Love is the greatest miracle. The more love yo ... -
Dearest Guruji, I have been a non-believer in Gurus. But the manner in which I met you just changed my life. The way you respond to the situations is simply amazing, mind-blowing and beyond all scientific logic. How do you respond to so many millions around the globe? How do you know us all so well? I am so blessed to have you.
Good! That is not a question, it is a wonder. I too wonder sometimes. ... -
Gurudev, who made God and why is God so powerful?
Really! Who made God? We made God, the devotees made God. If devotees are not there then how can God be there ... -
When a loved one dies, are they reincarnated? Will we know them again? In the case of a parent, are we still connected to them?
All possible...It's possible to know them if they incarnate now and you can feel that? Haven't you felt that you go somewhere and suddenly you feel someone is very close to somebody? Your gut feeling comes. It's all possible. You know, we’re all connect ...