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I know that some impressions are troubling me, but I don’t know what impressions are troubling me. I know that to progress it is important to remove them. How to identify and remove them?
You’re in the right place. Just relax. It will be done for you. Some things you have to do by yourself and some things you have to let others do for you. You can’t say that you will do everything by yourself.If a surgery needs to be do ... -
Can you please explain the meaning of this verse, ‘Indriyarthesu vairagyam anahankara eva ca, janma-mrityu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarshanam. ’
Indriyartheshu vairagyam, we see so many things, such beautiful sceneries, but till when can we keep seeing? At some point, our eyes get tired and we close them. Similarly, with smell; people who work in incense factories, they cannot stand smelling ... -
Dear Gurudev, what are your views on organ donation, gay marriages, blood donations and abortion?
Organ donation is okay, you can do it; there is nothing wrong in it. All these issues are very relative. You don’t need to label it as good, bad, I want it, and I don’t want it. Whatever choice you make, never mind, it is okay. However, you should not for ... -
Gurudev, how to gain victory over our ten senses (here referring to the five Karmendriyas or sense organs of action and expression viz. the mouth, the hands, the feet, the excretory and genital organs; and the five Jnanendriyas or the five sense organs of cognition viz. the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin)?
Firstly, keep yourself busy. If you keep yourself idle then your senses will overpower you. Keep yourself busy, that is important. Have a big goal in life, then you will not have this problem. Secondly, you must have patience and be careful ab ... -
Gurudev, why did God give us the five sense objects when all the wise people ask us to control them?
So that you can express something even better than that. You know, cotton candies are given to babies, but when they grow a little older, nobody goes for those toffees or candies. They go in for some higher joy, some higher experiences. See, our ... -
Gurudev, string theory talks about parallel universes. Can you say something on this?
Yes, parallel universes are talked about. There are 14 worlds and they are parallel, one inside the other. Right here there could be many universes. The Pitra Loka is not somewhere else, it is right here. That is why our senses only analyze a few t ... -
Dear Guruji, how to honor the Gunas and not indulge in them? Sometimes one is unable to resist the grip of indulgence. How to overcome this?
The mind having an intention not to commit a mistake is like having a brake in the car. You are going somewhere and if there is a hand brake and it works well, then you put the brake anytime you want! And if there is no brake at all, you will be prone to a ... -
Sakha-- Your Reliable Sense
There are three things: the Self, the senses, and the object, or the world. And there are three words: sukha, pleasure; dukha, sorrow; and sakha, companion. These have one thing in common: "kha," which means "senses." The Self through ...