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What made you come up with Shakti Kriya? What is the role of Shakti Kriya and Sudarshan Kriya?
They both have their different roles. Sudarshan Kriya is to do with the breath. Shakti Kriya just is to do only with the energy. But both of them bring completeness. One is a little more intense than the other at times. ... -
I’m a teacher and I see lots of my students doing a forceful bhastrika (breathing exercise taught in Art Of Living programs), as it seems to give them a kick. Is it okay?
No, it should not be forceful. I always say take the middle path. Don’t do it very slowly or gently but don’t use too much force also. ... -
Dear Gurudev, when I do my Sudarshan Kriya in the morning, I feel very sleepy after that. Please advice.
See, if you are not sleeping well at night, then this could be a possible reason.If you have time, then after kriya just lie down. You may take a short nap of 10-15 minutes, or you must meditate. If you don’t do this, then it could happ ... -
When there was Kriya Yoga * already, what was the reason to introduce Sudarshan Kriya? Do both kriyas lead the follower to the same destination? (* An ancient Yoga system (revived in modern times by Mahavatar Babaji through his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya) consisting of a number of levels of Pranayama based on techniques that are intended to rapidly accelerate spiritual development and engender a profound state of tranquility.)
I don’t know why another kriya has come. But I know that it is good that it has come because it has helped many more lives than what the Kriya Yoga has touched. This much I know.On the other hand, we have no right to comment on o ... -
Gurudev, when I thought I was good with the Sudarshan Kriya, you came up with Shakti Kriya. Can you tell me one technique after which I don’t need to learn anything else?
Just relax, and keep that smile in your heart.Contentment; the whole thing is to bring that deep sense of contentment, in which you do not require anything. When you realize, ‘I am all that is! Everything that is needed is there already’ ... -
Annika Dopping: I recently interviewed Dr. Fahri Saatcioglu from the University of Oslo, who is conducting research on what happens with the yogic breathing – The Sudarshan Kriya – at the genetic level. He has discovered some very exciting things, and has said that Sudarshan Kriya can actually affect the DNA. Previously we used to think that we are static beings and not at all plastic. Do you think that this might even convince the most skeptical, resistant people to see that we are affecting the very core of life? Is that a way to open up and reach out to people? (Annika Dopping: Swedish TV Presenter and Host)
Annika Dopping: I recently interviewed Dr. Fahri Saatcioglu from the University of Oslo, who is conducting research on what happens with the yogic breathing – The Sudarshan Kriya – at the genetic level. He has discovered some very exciting things, and has ... -
Gurudev, will doing Sudarshan Kriya and regular Sadhana (spiritual practices) solve all my problems?
You first do it and see. If they get solved, then that is good. At least you will not be at any loss by doing sadhana. It will give you the strength to face those problems and overcome them. You are only going to benefit by doing sadhana. There is no ... -
Why sometimes blood pressure stays above normal even after daily Sudarshan Kriya, evening meditation and Triphala (ayurvedic herb)?
Are you exercising properly? Are you doing some yoga? Are your food habits okay? Are you worried? Are you holding on to some knowledge in your mind? Or are you obsessed with some desires which you want to be fulfilled right away and have no patience? Y ... -
Gurudev, my parents deeply follow astrology and force me into it. Should I follow it or is Sudarshan Kriya sufficient to get rid of negativity?
Yes, this is good enough. Astrology is a science, an ancient gift to the world, but too much into it is also ignorance, and discarding it totally is also ignorance. Knowledge of it is good but ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is the best remedy to all astrological probl ... -
If we do Sudarshan Kriya regularly, will we be perfect?
Yes, definitely. It is not enough to just do Kriya. You should listen to all the knowledge, all the good advice being given to you. Both, practice and principles are necessary in life. ...