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Gurudev, there are many young children who are aware and awake, and know that they are here for some important work. How do we support these gifted children?
Yes, there are many children who are telling their parents that my real home, my real family is in the ashram. Many children are saying these sort of things around the world; many have become vegetarians, isn’t it? How many of you have seen that? ... -
Gurudev, how to protect children from negativity in the world?
You cannot bring them up in isolation, some day they will be exposed to the world and then it would be shocking for them. All we need to do is balance the negativity in the world with positive things. Talk to them about compassion, about heroic people. ... -
My son is always complaining, and this irritates me. He is not happy and even I am not happy. Please speak to him. Even now, when all of us were doing meditation, my son was just kicking his chair.
Listen, teenage children are like that. Have patience! You know, the teenage body has a lot of restlessness and they take their own time to grow up. Teenage children have difficulty with themselves and their parents. The parents have to have absolute re ... -
Children play too many video games, what can we do? Thank you for introducing a spiritual video game!
Substitute a nice game for a violent game, and slowly you have to take that also away. The very purpose of creating our own game is to make it inspiring and not violent. It is the same thing with knowledge. ... -
How to raise my 9 year old daughter to be a harmonious person and have a sense of belongingness with other people. (The speaker also asks about raising her child to be a vegetarian which is a rare thing in her country).
We have to quickly teach more and more people because when it becomes a fashion then it is easy. See, all good habits, either it is a tradition or it is a fashion. If you take it as tradition, it is already there. You just have to nurture the tradition. ... -
Dear Gurudev, so many kids these days are being diagnosed with autism. Why is this so?
I would like some of the scientists here to do research on that. What is the cause of this autism? Is it the diet of a lady when she is pregnant, or is it all the GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and MSG (Mono sodium glutamate) that we consume? Is it ... -
Gurudev, as a child I was full of wonder. How do I rekindle that sense of wonder again in my life?
Just be in the moment, feel fresh and alive. See the entire past as a dream and doubt whether the present is real, it could also just be a dream. Then you are in wonder! ... -
Dear Gurudev, how do I help my adult children to forget about our past and be loving again?
As I said, don’t ask for explanations of the past. Don’t say, "Let us sit and talk it out". Don’t do this. I am not for this at all. When people have misunderstandings, they say, "Let us talk it out". This & ... -
Dear Gurudev, when does the soul take on another body? When the soul has taken on another body, can we still connect to that soul?
Well, these are all deeper secrets! What are you going to do by knowing the answers? Yes, souls come back. Sometimes kids, when they are just two or three years old, they keep talking and saying some things, and you just brush them away. You don ... -
Dear Gurudev, when does the soul take on another body? When the soul has taken on another body, can we still connect to that soul?
Well, these are all deeper secrets! What are you going to do by knowing the answers? Yes, souls come back. Sometimes kids, when they are just two or three years old, they keep talking and saying some things, and you just brush them away. You don ...