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  1. 草根方案

      草根方案   草根方案是在2005年,由生活的藝術義工所發展出來的獨特、實做的永續農業與領袖訓練方案。它結合了永續文化、健康幸福、靜心與領袖訓練等不同領域的教育家來指導一個為期三週的夏季密集訓練課程。   這 個訓練的主要課程內容包含:   1) 在一個實際的 2 公頃 大的有機農園中實習 2) 最新有機農耕技術與永續文化設計的研習會 3) 正規的營養與健康見習教育   此外,學員也接受領導訓練以發展溝通、衝突解決、壓力管理與培養團隊精神的能力,讓他們在運用所學習的技巧與觀念而面對挑戰時能夠有效率的處 ...
  2. 農村發展

    Holistic life through 5H Program (Homes, Healthcare, Hygiene, Human values and Harmony in diversity) The 5H program aims at ensuring that every rural area/village has  Homes  for the homeless,  Healthcare,  Hygiene,  Human Values  and  Harmony in diversit ...
  3. 環保

    The Art of Living Foundation, with its roots in spirituality, has nurtured a deep respect for our planet in thousands of people around the world. The earth may be made up of rocks, sand and water, but spirituality can help us to perceive our planet as a l ...
  4. 婦女自強活動

    EMPOWERING WOMEN SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY The Art of Living Foundation’s programmes provide a solid foundation that nurtures the inner strength, creativity and self-esteem of women from all walks of life. With this base established well, women are able t ...
  5. 青年領袖訓練營

    青年領袖訓練課程 (YLTP) 打造充滿活力的明日領袖 拉須米那拉亞納 (Lakshminarayanan), 來自印度安得拉邦Kurnool區的一個小村莊,曾經瀕臨自殺的邊緣。只有20歲出頭的他,以為他的問題是空前的,唯一解決的辦法就是擺脫這個世界。幸運的是,有人送他去參加了班格羅生活的藝術國際中心的青年領袖訓練課程 (YLTP)。十天之後,他說,他的生命改變了。 青年領袖訓練課程創於1999年8月,這個課程有獨特的教學內容。青年領袖課程不僅專注於個人發展和溝通技巧,透過紓壓的呼吸法,人們找到了內在的寧 ...
  6. 教育

    A Revolution for Education Free School Education Program Ved Vignan Maha Vidhya Peeth(VVMVP) was the first rural school started by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 1981. It started when Gurudev observed some local children playing in the dust near The Art ...
  7. 和平活動

    Introduction Since its inception in 1981, The Art of Living’s founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has been engaged in a peace mission. Here, in The Art of Living Foundation, spirituality gives strength and responsibility to serve society. The passion an ...
  8. 監獄課程

    What is the Prison SMART Program? Prison SMART Program “If people get sick, we take them to the hospital and give them the right medicine to get better. If people’s behaviour is sick, we bring them to the prison, but we forget the medicines.”  – Gurudev S ...
Displaying 61 - 70 of 76