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Find out how to save your child from the Blue Whale danger
In this digital age, it is difficult to keep children away from social media and Internet games. By the age of 6 or 7, most kids own a mobile phone. They are spending over 3 to 4 hours online daily. These statistics are shocking. We live in a world that i ... -
I Meditate Africa: An Antidote to Terrorism
“Violence ends where love begins”. – Gurudev Current Statistics I Meditate Africa is a volutneer and citizen driven campaign 25 African Countries will participate in the live meditation webcast Over 360 000 Africans have meditated from 01- 22 May 2015 1 ... -
Tips on How to Control Anger
Have you noticed that no matter how many times you remind yourself that getting angry is not good, yet when the emotion comes you are unable to control it. All through your childhood you have only learnt that ‘You should not get angry’ but the question re ... -
7 Meditation Mantras for Youth: Sit Still, Move Mountains
All the adventures in a person’s life are normally concentrated in the few years between 16 and about 25.It is imperative that we learn to ride the storms and scale the heights. Choices are made, words are spoken, actions are taken faster than the speed o ... -
8 Tips to Get Started with Meditation
Did you know by spending just a little time preparing for your meditation, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? For your ease, the tips given below will help you prepare for your meditation. Once done, click on the guided meditation be ... -
Running After A Thing Called the Mind: A Meditator’s Guide
Everthing’s perfect. The room is quiet, devices are on silent mood and you’re easing into the lotus posture, ready to get into the world of meditation. A dim memory of a bill payment looms up, out of nowhere. Was it due today? No wait, it’s not until four ... -
I Meditate Africa: Spirit of Volunteerism
“We come to realize that the true measure of our lives is not how much we have gained for ourselves, but how much we have given." – Gurudev. This is most likely the reason to why in this fast paced word, despite busy schdules, more and more young an ... -
Meditation connects body, mind & spirit to increase productivity
The pressures at work can be endless. It can be meeting deadlines or dealing with clients or challenging colleagues. Add to this list overtime issues, and the pressure to increase productivity. There is a need to make the most of your skills. You also hav ... -
The Science of Being a Happy You
#SudarshanKriya for a Happier, Healthier You You can combine your meditation with the Sudarshan Kriya, taught in The Art of Living’s Happiness Program. Studies show that prolactin- the happiness hormone- significantly increases from the very first session ...