Ayurveda: Healthier
Than Ever Before

Sat, 12/06/2014 Bangalore, India

We have always had a tradition of conducting things in a more informal manner rather than being formal. This is what satsang is all about also. There are no formalities to be followed in satsang; we all sit together freely with each other.

Today we are celebrating a festival to honor and commemorate the tradition of Ayurveda.
Until recent times, the science of Ayurveda progressed quite slowly in our country, as if it were on a bullock cart. But recently, our Prime Minister has elevated it and given it speed, and now it is on a jet plane! (Laughter)
He has raised Ayurveda to the high pedestal of an expert science, which Ayurveda truly deserves. One of our very own devotees is closely involved in steering this mission with the Government. I am sure now there can be no stopping of the growth and popularity of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is truly on the fast track towards progress and popularity in the country, and it will be able to reach many more people everywhere.
Yoga, Ayurveda and Jyotish (Indian Astrology) are all practical sciences.

A teacher must always have the willingness to share his knowledge, and a student must always have the thirst for knowledge. Through meditation, we can enhance our skill and capacity to receive knowledge.

In earlier days when we used to conduct meditation workshops, one of our devotees always used to insist that we should start an Ayurveda workshop as well. At that time my focus was on meditation and I had no strong intention of going into Ayurveda. But today, look at the high national ranking that the Sri Sri Ayurveda College has secured in the country. This also shows the deep faith that our Ayurveda teachers have in this science.

In South India, there is a saying that every Guru desires a disciple who can truly surpass him in knowledge. The job of a Guru is to teach and impart knowledge, and then forget it all as well. There can be no liberation if you keep hanging onto knowledge. For liberation, one also has to forget everything learnt after some time.
A Guru always wants his disciples to make great progress so that they may surpass and defeat the Guru himself one day. Then a Guru’s job is done.
Today, as you all graduate from this College as Ayurvedic doctors, I urge you to work hard so that your teachers here can one day say proudly, 'My own student has excelled and surpassed even me'. Otherwise, if students come to teachers and learn nothing, and the teachers forget nothing, then the teachers have not done their job well.
All the students here have secured 100% marks and have received First Class in their studies. The credit for such great performance goes to our teachers here.

A teacher must always have the willingness to share his knowledge, and a student must always have the thirst for knowledge. Through meditation, we can enhance our skill and capacity to receive knowledge. And when we lead such a good life, then we become useful for ourselves and also for everyone around us.
Life, when nourished by knowledge becomes helpful, both to oneself and to others around.

To celebrate this occasion, the students have lit so many lamps here today. We have to light the lamp of health and knowledge in every home. It is our sacred duty and responsibility. Just having a healthy body alone is not considered to be a sign of complete health or well-being. A person who is truly healthy is one who has an unfading smile on his face. A healthy person is one who has a smile on his face, love in his heart, and strength and vitality in the body. Medicines alone cannot help one to achieve this state. Along with medicines and food, one must also focus on sadhana (spiritual practices) also.

Life, when nourished by knowledge becomes helpful, both to oneself and to others around.

Along with knowledge, one must also have the attitude and willingness towards service. If all the Ayurveda doctors imbibe a sense of selfless service, then they will become great healers. One of our Vaidji (a name given to an Ayurveda doctor) has been going to a remote village every day for so many years to meet and serve the needy people there. No matter what the conditions or the weather may be, he has always been committed to go meet the people of the village and help them in every way he can. Such is his dedication.

I once again congratulate all the students, teachers and the management of the Sri Sri Ayurveda College for working tirelessly for the progress of Ayurveda. I urge you to continue to work with the same spirit and commitment, because this entire world belongs to us. There is no one who is a stranger to us. Until and unless everyone lives in harmony with each other and there is an atmosphere of peace and love everywhere, our work here is not finished.
I am glad to know that our devotee – Shripad Ji has been chosen by the Prime Minister for promoting the cause of Ayurveda. I have always seen him smiling in every situation, and he works with complete dedication in everything that he does. I congratulate him and pray to God to bless him with strength so that he can continue his work at a much faster pace and that he gets great success in his activities.

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