Time Moves Everything,
But You Can Move Time

Wed, 12/31/2014 Bad Antogast, Germany

Happy New Year to everybody!
#2015: Twice a day (2) become empty (0) to become one (1) with the One who is beyond the five (5). Got it?
The world is just a combination of the five elements. That which is beyond the five elements is the spirit. So become one with the spirit!

I salute time, for it is greater than the mind. It is time which influences the mind. It is time that makes a pauper a prince, and a price a pauper. It is time that makes a stupid person intelligent, and it is time that makes stupid things happen through an intelligent person.
It is time which makes friendships and breaks friendships, and it is time which creates peace and which creates war. Time is greater than the mind, so I salute time.

I salute time, for it is greater than the mind. 
Now, is there something bigger than time? Yes, that is the spirit. Time moves everything, but you can move time. That is the power of the Self.

Now, is there something greater than time? Yes, that is the spirit. It is the spirit that moves time and which is beyond time. So as long as you are in your mind you are under the thumb of the time. But when you realize that you are the spirit, you are the one beyond the five, then you move the time.

I think you really have to dwell on these few words that I have said, then it will make more sense to you. When you dwell on knowledge, then it sinks in and becomes an experience, and makes more sense. When you dwell on it, then it clicks.
So, time moves everything, but you can move time. That is the power of the Self. It’s freely available yet inaccessible! Only when we become free from the mind will we be able to access it.
So, #2015 is: twice (2) a day become zero (0) and be one (1) with the One beyond the five (5). It is so cool, isn't?.

This New Year, let us resolve to build our trust in ourselves; the trust that only the best will happen to me. And let us resolve to build the trust in society that goodness will prevail in the world. When the people in society lose this trust that goodness will prevail, that’s when their morale goes down.
But when we have the faith that good will prevail in the society and in the world, then our morale will go up. When you know that only good things will happen to you, only the best things will happen to you, your self confidence levels will go up.
So let us keep these two dimensions alive in our life in 2015. Let this be your New Year resolution: to build trust in yourself and trust in the society and in the world order.

If you have gone through a break-up which was intensely painful, that is because the pleasure in the relationship had been equally intense. It is craving that made it so painful, leaving you in the present moment with only a bag of emotions.

You know, when you see people who do wrong things rising up, you lose your courage, your conviction, your morality; you lose your ground and you feel broken. That’s when you need to remind yourself that they are only rising up to fall back down. Bad elements need a fall, that’s their final destination. But even to fall you need to rise a little higher, only then do you really get broken. So they raise to get a big fall.
If you are convinced of this reality, then nothing whatsoever can touch you; no event can pull you down, no event can demoralize you, no nervous breakdown can happen, nor will you ever have heart breaks. Your morale becomes very strong with this conviction.

See, every event creates some knowledge and some emotions. Often events have some lessons to teach you, and also create along with it some emotion. But what do we normally do? We don’t learn from the events at all, but we carry forward the emotion. And the emotion keeps haunting us, like a scar or a craving.
When knowledge is not learnt, you are left with a bag of emotions. Be it positive or negative, it is going to bother you in the present and in the future.
The stronger the craving for a pleasurable experience, the more painful it will be in the present. This is because the pleasurable experience has created an intense craving in you which carries over to the present and keeps you in a bigger mess. Am I making the point clear?
For example, if you have gone through a break-up which was intensely painful, that is because the pleasure in the relationship had been equally intense, which is why it was so painful. It is the craving (for that pleasurable experience) that made it so painful, leaving you in the present moment with only a bag of emotions.

What does a wise one do? He takes forward the lessons and leaves behind the emotions in the past.
Just learn your lessons instead of carrying anger, frustration and hatred towards others.

Now what does a wise one do? He takes forward the lessons from the past and leaves behind the emotions in the past. If someone has cheated you, then learn the lesson from the experience. What did you do that someone could cheat you. How unintelligent were you that you allowed someone to cheat you. Just learn the lesson instead of carrying anger, frustration and hatred towards the other.

Most of us, instead of learning the lesson, we carry the emotions of the past. It is not an intelligent thing to do. The intelligent thing to do is to carry the lesson and drop the emotion so that you can keep your smile genuine, unblemished and untouched by the event. What do you say?
You can keep your spirits high, come what may. Now!! Now!! (Snapping his fingers indicating ‘Be in the present moment’). Life is always a mixture of pleasant and unpleasant things; things which you like and things which you don’t like. Life is a mixture of this.

You know, on New Year, at the dining table, the child would like to only have dessert! But no, there has to be a soup, salad and all the other items as well, It has to be balanced! A mother knows how to give balanced food to the child. Just because the child wants only dessert, she will not keep feeding the child only dessert, otherwise she’s not a good mother!
Similarly, nature gives you everything: salads, soups (laughter), noodles, sour cream, etc. Something peppery, hot, sweet, pungent; everything.

Nature provides you with a meal with many tastes. A wise one just enjoys them all. You enjoy olives, but if you give an olive to a child, he will spit it out. So, it’s time we grow up and learn to appreciate the diverse menu on our plate. It is time to grow up and appreciate the balanced diet that you have been provided in your life. Your plate is full of many varieties; just enjoy them.

It is time to grow up and appreciate the balanced diet (good events and bad events) that you have been provided in your life. Your plate is full of many varieties; just enjoy them.

Also, every year a new plate is given to you, so don’t eat the stale food. Don’t fill your calendar with past events. Don’t fill your current year’s calendar with old dates.
This is what we do, we keep the old calendar which says, 'Tuesday, 31st December', but this is not correct this year. This year it is a Wednesday.

The New Year starts on a Thursday. Thursday in Hindi is Guruwaar which means the day of the Guru. This New Year is the year of wisdom.
Thursday is the New Year, but if we keep last year’s calendar it will be a Wednesday, and it won't match with the time today. So keep updating yourself. Match the time, catch the time, and move the time. Now how you will match, what you will catch and what you will move, I leave it to you (laughter). You think about it!

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