What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. A Love That Never Dies

    Satsang means two things: 1. Intellectual discussion, which is a left brain activity2. Singing, which is a right brain activityBoth are necessary. We sing for some time and then if you have any question, you can ask and we will discuss. Dear Gurudev, what ...
  2. Sorting Right From Wrong

    (Below is a continuation of the post A Love That Never Dies) Gurudev, how do I know that what I am doing is right? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: At least now what you’re doing is right by asking this question. We must ask questions. When you stop asking questions ...
  3. Time Moves Everything, But You Can Move Time

    Happy New Year to everybody!#2015: Twice a day (2) become empty (0) to become one (1) with the One who is beyond the five (5). Got it?The world is just a combination of the five elements. That which is beyond the five elements is the spirit. So become one ...
  4. Sri Sri's New Year Message

    Changing Time, Unchanging Witness A New Year is the time when a lot of people stumble at the realization, "Oh! Another year has gone by!" We wonder for a few moments at the current of time that flows by, and then again we get busy. The funny thing is that ...
  5. A Christmas Message

    A Message of Love When the sun is there, there is a lot of activity. But at the time of the year when there is very little sun, when there is very little activity, when nature is sleeping, and when everything has gone into hibernation, in that still and q ...
  6. The Answer Is: LOVE

    Gurudev, how does one get over attachment? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why do you want to get over attachment? It is because it gives you pain. If it did not bring you pain, you would never think of getting rid of attachment. Attachment gives pain because there ...
  7. A Sign Of Evolution

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Answer Is: LOVE) Gurudev, how can a person become a better meditator? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, there is no better or worse meditator. Just be in the present moment and be happy. Instead of continuously thinking, ...
  8. Why Good People Suffer

    (Below is a continuation of the post Your Happiness Is Your Responsibility) Gurudev, it is often said that these are bad times for good people. We see this in our society that many times the wrong people end up winning and dominating others and come out a ...
  9. Your Happiness Is Your Responsibility

    You know, it is said that the solar plexus is the central point of our human body. It is the centre of gravity.The size of the solar plexus is found to be very large in yogis. If one does not meditate regularly, then it remains small in size; just like th ...
  10. To Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Divine

    When you have that deep urge to get rid of any bad habit, deep prayer will can change it. How many of you have experienced this? (Many in the audience raise hands) What is the relevance of morality in the real world when divinity is considered beyond mora ...