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  1. Tenali Raman Stories on Secrets of Happiness

    Tenali Ramakrishna, fondly remembered as Tenali Raman, was a 16th-century court poet at the Vijayanagara Empire in India. He hailed from a town called Tenali. He is remembered even today for his extraordinary wit, brilliance and wisdom. What is it that we ...

    Fear is nothing but love upside down. and and Think about it: what are you scared of? Something that you don and rsquo;t like or something unknown to you, isn and rsquo;t it? and and For instance, if you are scared of not being able to finish your work on ...
  3. How to reduce anger

    If you are troubled by the way your anger controls you rather than the other way around, there and rsquo;s help at hand. But first, let and rsquo;s get to know more about anger and its effects. What is anger? Anger is defined as and ldquo;a normal, usuall ...
  4. Flavors of Happiness

    The first one is chocolate. Out of every 100 desires, probably 67 must be fulfilled by chocolate. However, it just leaves you wanting more. The happiness lasts only until the delicious texture of smooth cocoa lasts in your mouth. Happiness gained from ful ...
  5. 4 secrets from Granny’s kitty of happiness

    Often we look around for the secrets of happiness. Everyone wishes to be happy, perhaps every day. Be it in meeting friends, traveling, enjoying a good meal or pursuing hobbies and talents, the search for lasting happiness seems endless. But, what if you’ ...
  6. Happiness Starts With Y

    Everybody knows that happiness starts with 'H'. 'Yappiness' doesn't really make much sense, does it? This is pretty much the challenge we face with being happy. We think it starts in our life when we get all of mom's attentio ...
  7. 7 practical ways to control your anger

    We all know what anger is and what it does. We have heard that anger can spoil relations, harm us and can put us at the risk of losing respect. Those who experience this intense emotion have also heard a million times ‘don’t get angry’. Very few ever woul ...