
Search results

  1. Meditation & Naturalness

    The natural tendency of consciousness is to expand, to become bliss. Like the natural tendency of water is to flow downward and the natural tendency of air is not to be under pressure, the natural tendency of consciousness is to expand and to be at peace. ...
  2. Meditation for Seekers

    Where are you on the spiritual path? You may think of yourself as a spiritual person, but when you are caught in a traffic jam, or someone disagrees with you, your spiritual nature seems to take a holiday. Worries, sorrows and disturbances are certain to ...
  3. Germany Flood Relief- June 2013

    Tuesday, 11 Jun 2013- Germany is currently experiencing one of the biggest floods in over a decade that has forced tens of thousands to flee their homes. Many cities are flooded, streets are full of mud, cellars of private houses are filled with water and ...
  4. Levels of Existence

    Meditation & Levels of Existence Spirituality is observing your own existence. Have you experienced your own body? Experiencing the various levels of existence- your own body, your breath, your mind, your emotion, and the source of your life- is medit ...