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  1. Sideways Bending Using Both Arms

    How to do Konasana 2 Stand with feet about 2-feet apart. Balance weight equally on feet. Breathing in, raise your arms overhead and join the palms together, interlacing the fingers to form a steeple position. Keep the arms touching the ears. Breathing out ...
  2. Locust Posture (Shalabasana)

    How to do Locust Posture (Shalabasana) Breathing in, raise the right leg up. Keep the leg straight and do not twist the hip. Hold and keep breathing. Breathing out, bring the right leg down. Repeat steps 3-5 with the left leg. Take 2-3 deep breaths. Breat ...
  3. One-Legged Forward Bend (Janu Shirasasana)

    How to do One-Legged Forward Bend (Janu Shirasasana) Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you, keeping the spine erect. Bend the left knee and place the left foot against the right thigh, keeping the left knee on the floor. Breathing in ...