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  1. Navratri Celebrations Video Gallery

      Navratri celebrations at the Art of Living Bangalore Ashram Oct. 12, 2010 Navratri celebrations 2010 @Bangalore Ashram- 10th Oct 2010 Navaratri celebrations @Bangalore ashram with Gurudev- Oct.9,2010 Nine Days Of Navaratri- A talk by Gurudev Sri Sri Rav ...
  2. Layatarang: A spiritual confluence of Music and Dance

    India 20 Feb 2011 3000 artists come together on one stage as a tribute to Indian Culture in the presence of Parampoojya Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji. Venue: Reshimbagh ground, Reshimbagh, Nagpur Time: 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm, Sunday, the 20th February, 2011  ...
  3. 5000 Musicians Perform Together at Naadha Vaibhavam

    Voices of love: Young tender voices singing together with learned mature voices Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Naadha Vaibhavam "When the heart sings, the Divine dances" 'Naada Vaibhavam' concert brings 5700 carnatic musicians on a single sta ...
  4. Art of Living celebrates Diwali in London

    Diwali in London 2011 Diwali in London 2011 Diwali in London 2011 Diwali in London 2011 Diwali, the festival of lights symbolises the vanquishing of ignorance by knowledge. 10 years ago, a small number of organisations in association with the then Mayor o ...
  5. Asia’s first Yoga Rave launched in Surat, Gujarat, India

    India 20 Aug 2011 Yoga and youth dance culture that rocks When you can just be yourself, where you can express your own unique voice, your own style, creativity and happiness, and just dance and sing, that’s Yoga Rave. So what can one expect at a Yoga Rav ...
  6. Year of Yoga: Tribute to yoga’s harmonizing power

    Srilanka 1 Dec 2011 to 31 Dec 2012 Sri Lanka is all set to create a new experience with the art and science of yoga. The Year of Yoga Worldwide (December 2011-December 2012) is a tribute from Sri Lanka to commemorate the 30 years of Art of Living’s humani ...
  7. Navratri Celebrations 2011- Significance of Poojas

      Pooja is formed by the combination of 2 words: "Po" and " Ja". "Po" means "poornatha" (fullness) "ja" means "born out of". That which is born out of fullness is pooja. When our consciousness be ...
  8. Navratri Celebrations 2011- Advance Meditation Course

      Navratri Advanced Meditation Course (AMC) "What I would suggest is to take one week off every year for yourself, laike you take your car for servicing. During that time, align yourself with nature, wake up with the sunrise, do some exercise, eat pr ...
  9. Guru Purnima Celebrations

    5 Jul 2011 Waves of gratitude Celebrate Guru Purnima 2011 with Gurudev in Canada Date: 15 July 2011, (7:30 PM to 9:30 PM IST). Click here to convert timings as per your country Pre-Requisites: None, all are welcome Donation: Free, Registration is Mandato ...