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Gurudev, can a person who doesn't believe in the idea or reality of God be spiritual?
Yes, sure! One doesn’t need to have a particular belief system to be spiritual. One simply has to have the spirit of enquiry, then you are spiritual. You need to be bubbling with enthusiasm. If you are aware of the cosmic reality, that there is much m ... -
Jai Guru Dev, guide me to turn to spirituality again and again, because laziness blocks me to do this. Please advice how can I tackle laziness.
To tackle laziness, you should take a vow for a limited period of time. Next 20 days I am not going to be lazy. In between, if you become lazy then from that day onwards for another 20 days take a vow again, ‘I am not going to be lazy.’ When ... -
I am from Bahrain and I have been in The Art of Living for 8 years. Usually when I talk about The Art of Living to non Art of living members, they tell me that this is against our religion. The minute they hear the word Yoga or Meditation, immediately they relate it to religion. How do you advise me to answer these people?
Unfortunately, in the world, there is no distinction between religion and spirituality. I would say, spirituality is the value system which unites people of all religions. Only education will help. Yoga is simple exercises, it doesn’t conflict anyone’ ... -
Gurudev, how does the spiritual growth of people help a country prosper? Please give an example. How can spiritually inclined people help save the country?
The spiritually inclined people will have a better attitude in life. They will not have prejudice. They will work with humility, dignity, protect others' dignity, care for others, and have compassion. All these things naturally come to spiritually i ... -
(Petra Friganovic: Supermodel from Croatia) Q: Gurudev, I have one question for you. I am very much aware that there is this enormous spiritual and practical power in women. But I am also aware that this power is very much hidden from us. How can the modern woman awaken this power in her?
First of all, let us understand that spirituality is not something that is out there, that is going to come into you. We are all made up of matter and spirit. Our body is made up of carbohydrate, protein, amino acids, etc. Our spirit is made up of ... -
It is considered old fashioned now to practice spirituality and human values. How can we inculcate these values in the coming generation?
No, it is not so at all In fact it is the latest fashion. You talk to all our YES+. Fashion keeps changing with the time. What you are talking about is what used to happen in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Now since the year 2000 onwards, spirituality is the bigges ... -
Gurudev, can spirituality make me wealthy? I am very wealthy financially.
Do not think that spirituality will make you wealthy. Spirituality will make you stronger. Then use this strength in a good way with hard work. There is a saying in Sanskrit that only those who do hard work can be wealthy and full of strength and energy. F ... -
Gurudev, the corporate world is all about making profits. And spiritual world is about distributing wealth. How to strike a balance?
It is just like how you ride a motorbike. You have to make your institution profitable. If you go into loss, how can you be any charitable? You can’t do charity then, right? So you need to take care of both. ... -
Gurudev, so many blessed souls came from India like Lord Mahavira, Lord Buddha and Lord Krishna. And still India suffers so much. There is so much crime and corruption. Why?
Do you mean that these people were ineffective? No, it is not so at all. Just imagine what would have happened if India was devoid of spirituality. What would have been the fate of this country? You just can’t imagine. Have you noticed that wherever there ... -
Gurudev, those who are happy, positive and without problems in life normally do not seek God fervently and join courses like Art of Living. On the other hand, those who are bad tempered and negative in thinking cannot deal with problems in life and get addicted. Such people seek God and turn to yoga and meditation. Why is this so?
Listen, there are all types of people in this world. Do not think that only sick, the weak and the meek will seek the Truth. There are people who are happy, very healthy and very comfortable too have great passion (to become spiritual). Maybe it is a littl ...