Firewook Stoves and Bio Gas
In most villages firewood stoves (Chulhas) are mainly used in many households for cooking. This generates a lot of smoke, which is one of the main causes for breathing problems amongst the village folks. To overcome this issue, the Art of Living volunteers, alongwith 48 families in the Satara village, India, built smokeless chulhas. As a result, the health of women has improved and less wood is used.
Producing biogas
As another answer to this problem, Gober Gas Plants (GGP) were set up in some villages. This involves mixing cattle dung and water in a tank which then produces methane. The gas is piped to the stove and works as any normal gas stove. The remaining mass is put into a slurry tank and used directly as organic manure. Besides being user-friendly, GGP is a much more eco-friendly than firewood. With government aid, the Art of Living Foundation has helped build seven such plants, 15 more are under construction.