Her Lesson From Failure
My dad did a lot of good work for the village, but the Maoists didn’t think so, they thought otherwise. He was...
The Birth of a Spiritual Mukhiya
Burudi, like most of the villages in interior Jharkhand existed between the currents of Naxalism and alcohol, the...
The Journey from War to Peace
This is the story of and around Sushanto Singh's life, which...
His Story of Salvation
"Hello Sir, there are these people roaming around in our village,...
Kumari Manvati Marabi
Kumari Manvati Marabi (Sarguja, Chattisgarh) When we go to villages...
Jayesh Patel
In 2001 I did my YLTP phase-1 in Surat. On the sixth day of the course a huge earthquake took place. We had heard...
Pinky Patil
PINKY PATIL, B.A, B.Ed, aged 29 years and a resident of district Bidar, was lazy and stubborn. But as days passed...
Mandiseli Maseti
Mandiseli is so proud of his cultural values, traditions and beliefs, and has a close connection with nature and...