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  1. Meditation is not serious, seriously!

    “You’re not serious about this, are you?” The look, tone and expression on Divya’s face conveyed a singular message: “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Frustrated at not having a single moment to relax, Divya expected sympathy and understanding – not some out ...
  2. Did you know you could meditate here?

    Three most unusual situations where you can never think one could meditate! Caught up in a life-threatening situation under water or a war between two tribes – what would be the first thought on your mind if you happen to be confronted with any of these c ...
  3. How to Enjoy this Festive Season More?

    A 10-letter word that can add a spark of excitement to your celebration. Make it your best friend this festive season and see yourself enjoy the festivities more and better. Christmas is round the corner – the time we all eagerly await the whole year. Tin ...
  4. Meditation and Chanting: Timeless technology of ancient seers

    Om namahshivaya, omnamahshivaya- I could not but stop for a few moments listening to the soothing chants coming from a nearby temple. At that moment, my mind was clouded with a lot of disturbing thoughts. Completely mesmerized by the effect of the chants, ...
  5. Meditation Classes in Bangalore

    If you are looking at enjoying Bengaluru with all its flavors- the erstwhile Garden City found in the quiet lanes of Jayanagar to the trendy IT hub of Electronic City- here’s something that will help you enjoy life in this dynamic city much more. Just 20 ...
  6. How to enjoy your meditation even in noisy places

    Meditation is peace-giving and many like to have silence around them when meditating. But only if this world worked as per our likes! Many people, including long-term meditators, still experience irritation when confronted with noise while they are medita ...
  7. Meditation and music: Secret to perfect harmony

    My gaze was fixed on his fingers moving deftly across the strings of his guitar. Words that came out of his mouth created a sensational effect on me. My body swayed along the gentle breeze, which also seemed to be dancing to the tune that Vikram played th ...
  8. Know Your Mind

    Standing high on a mountain peak... experiencing the amazing feeling of the cool breeze touching your face... the soothing sound of chirping birds... as you stretch your arms to contain the infinite blue expanse, you are completely immersed and one with t ...
  9. Meditation In The School

    Schools play an important role in nurturing children to grow up into responsible adults and good human beings. The teacher has a great responsibility towards the development of students. Meditation can help teachers to be calm and confident in dealing wit ...
  10. Guided Meditation

    People have different concepts about meditation. According to many, meditation is concentrating on something. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, meditation is de-concentration. Meditation is accepting this moment and ndash; living every moment totally. Ho ...