In the Rig Veda, the Agni Suktam says that 'Agni should lead us to the wisdom'. What does this mean?
Agni mean that consciousness, that energy that envelopes the whole universe -- that consciousness of which you are made up of, of which everything is made of. Many times people say 'The fire in the spirit'. This fire is not a mortal fire, your life itself is fire. Consciousness is the fire.
Flame exists on oxygen, so does your life exists on oxygen. Suppose you are covered in a glass, you will be alive only as long as there is oxygen in it. So your life force is akin to fire.
The mantra is a beautiful prayer that says, " Lead me into a new path. Let me do good things to people in the world. Let all the divine energies in the universe help me, take me along". It is such a beautiful prayer.
Ancient people had such deep wisdom. Even in prayers they included everyone. Even the Gayatri Mantra which is considered the mother of all mantras says, "May the divine inspire my intellect and inspire my life", because your life is based on thought. If the thought process is inspired by the Divinity then there can be no mistakes, there can be no regrets. There is no suffering.