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  1. Gurudev, what is the seed of the thought ’I’m not good enough.’ Why does it keep coming back?

    When the mind says ‘I’m not good enough’, then you know yes there is somebody to make me good. (Laughter) ...
  2. Does anything exist outside of the present moment?

    Look, present moment is very deep that is where all the energy exists. Outside the present moment there is nothing but in the present moment the future and past is also there. So the present moment is not just some small thing, it is multidimensional. You ...
  3. Are there any special things we can do to prepare for the full moon that is coming?

    Nothing, it comes on its own (laughter). Everything is happening just relax and enjoy. ...
  4. What is the key to knowledge?

    The key to knowledge is asking questions and listening to the answers. See unless you open the computer you don’t get the information right? You have to press the key, put your password and then go into whatever you want to know. ...
  5. Guruji can you talk about space and what is inside the space?

    What is in the space? Everything is in the space; there is nothing outside the space. ...
  6. Guruji tell us about Navratri and why we do all the yagyas and everything?

    Navratri is special time where you invoke all the divine impulses. They’re all blessings. It’s an ancient way, in the yagyas all the five elements are used to bring the positive energy. ...
  7. The divine energy (shakti) inside alone can destroy all negative impulses

    Today is called the victory day, victory of the good over the evil because life has always been a struggle between the good and evil forces. And these nine days of celebration of Navaratri culminates on this tenth day which is called the victory day. That ...
  8. Gurudev, is it true that when two people are eating from the same plate, it leads to exchange of karma and do the karmas get exchanged with touch as well?

    (Laughing) it is hygienic to eat in your own plate and not interfere with others’ health. This is very important. ...
  9. Gurudev, I have been brought up to believe that money is not God. But in today’s world, money is not less than God. Please give me some tips to appease this God.

    Spend less and earn more! You feel lack when you earn less and spend more. I would say you need to keep a balance. Again, faith that your needs will come to you, will really bring that flavour to your life, that confidence. Otherwise some people have this ...