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  1. Feel happy, become one with people doing a good job

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 30 Contd. from knowledge sheet 29 People who are doing a good job or meritorious job, those who have a lot of merits, who are blessed, feel happy with them. Become one with them. Feel that you are doing the job with ...
  2. The Path to Enlightenment

    Yoga is the journey as well as the goal. There are many paths of yoga described in the ancient Indian scriptures. Just as all rivers lead to the ocean, all paths of Yoga lead to Self-realization. Though the journey may begin on any single path of yoga, bu ...
  3. Yoga & Academics: The secret REVEALED

    It was the year 2005. I was sitting comfortably on a yoga mat on a Sunday morning. I was very peaceful and calm. I had felt the same way often in the past few years since I had started practicing yoga. The time I stretched through yoga postures simply fle ...
  4. If you have whatever you wanted, then are you happy?

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 10 Contd. from knowledge sheet 9 Vitrushnasya vashikara sanjna vairagyam The mind that gallops is an obstruction. An expectation in meditation is an obstruction. You have heard somebody's experience that light a ...
  5. Yoga Rave: Partying with Yoga

    Over 1,200 people, performed yoga, meditated and swayed to the electronic beats of bhajans (devotional songs) on April 30, 2011. The success of Yoga Rave continues, as the party returned to the city of its origin, Buenos Aires. The four-hour long, non-alc ...
  6. Four Types of People

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 28 Contd. from knowledge sheet 27 "Maitrikaruna muditopekshanam sukhadukhapunyapunyavishayanam bhavanataschitta prasadanam'' maitri = friendliness; karuna  = compassion; mudita = happiness; upeksha = i ...
  7. Snow Yoga – Shovel Snow with Yoga

    The yoga principles that you apply on the yoga mat can be applied off it too, even while doing simple routine tasks (see housework yoga). Ever thought you could do yoga in heavy snow? While exercising the body and flexing your muscles as you shovel off sn ...
  8. Sukshma Vyayayam

    Sukshma means subtle. Sukshma Yoga is that which penetrates subtle levels. It is an ancient but comparatively unknown form of Yoga and is very simple to perform. Sukshma Yoga is basically subtle yogic warm ups with gentle stretching and coordinated breath ...
  9. Yoga Tips for Pregnant Women: Preparing for a healthy and safe delivery

    Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences gifted to a woman. Yet this nine-month journey brings with it a variety of changes and emotions to juggle with. Yoga can help you cope with this journey, making it smooth and enjoyable! As is evident in t ...
  10. Feeling Pain? Balance Your Body with Yoga

    Are you leaning forward as you read this? Do you tend to put the right foot over the left when you sit? That nagging pain in the neck or back could result from something as simple as using one side of your body more. Yoga helps identify and correct the im ...