
The Power of Chakras: From Lethargy to Unbounded Enthusiasm

By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar | Posted: September 03, 2019

Have you ever wondered why some members of a team are negative and unmotivated while other members of the same team are bubbling with enthusiasm? The atmosphere is the same, but some get bogged down and others stay inspired. How to explain this difference? 

Manage Your Energy

It's all a play of life energy (the vital force) or Prana Shakti as it’s called in Sanskrit (ancient Indian language). When the life energy in a person is high, positive dimensions of life such as love, joy, enthusiasm, peace, liveliness and the like manifest. When the energy ebbs, the same person can exhibit lethargy, irritation, restlessness, depression, and even suicidal tendencies. The ancient rishis had gained mastery over the intricate science of life force. They devised several techniques to uplift this vital energy and transform the quality of life.  

Energy Stations

Our body has a network of 109 energy centers or chakras, of which seven chakras are of primary importance. They house the 72,000 channels or pathways through which the life-energy flows. The interplay among these channels and chakras is a fascinating subject of study. When the energy passes through different chakras, one experiences different emotions or sensations. When the energy is moving upward, positive dimensions dawn. And in its downward journey, the same energy triggers negative attributes.

The Base Station 

The lowest of the seven chakras, the Muladhara Chakra is at the base of the spine or the sacrum. When the energy is activated here, one experiences an enthusiasm for life. When it is dormant, dullness and inertia prevail.  

Creation or Procreation

When the same energy moves up a few inches to the Swadishthana Chakra, which is located behind the genitals, it triggers either creative activity or sex drive. That's why when one indulges too much in sex, creativity suffers. And when one is absorbed in creative activities, lust does not haunt the person. The second chakra is the station of creation or procreation depending on the direction it takes.  

Greed or Generosity

At the third or the Manipura chakra, in the navel region, the same energy triggers four different emotions-- jealousy, greed, generosity, and joy. When the energy is moving up, one feels generous and joyful and while energy is coming down, one experiences jealousy and greed. When people feel jealous, they feel some sensation in the stomach area. Generosity is depicted with a large tummy, the Santa Claus for example. Joy is also depicted with a big tummy like that of Lord Ganesha or the Laughing Buddha! 

Heart Matters

At the Anahata Chakra or the heart region, the energy manifests in the form of either love or fear or hatred. When one goes through any of these emotions, some sensation is felt in the heart region. At any point of time, only one of the three emotions dominates while the other two go in the background. When love is predominant, then there is no fear or hatred. When hatred takes the front seat, then love and fear become dormant. When a person is filled with fear, there is no hatred and no love! 

Choked With Grief Or Gratefulness 

The throat region is the next energy center. When the energy is at the Vishuddhi Chakra, one experiences gratefulness or grief. When there is grief, one experiences a sensation in the throat region; the throat chokes. Also in the feeling of gratefulness, the throat chokes. 

The Third Eye

When the consciousness moves to the center of the forehead, the Ajna Chakra, it manifests as anger or awareness or alertness. Knowledge and awareness are the domains of the sixth chakra. The same point is also the seat of anger. It is also said to be the region of the mystical Third Eye. 

On Top Of The World

When the consciousness moves to the top of the head, the Sahasrara Chakra, then one experiences only bliss. There is nothing else. One no longer feels any duality, any sense of conflict or separation. One feels connected and one with everything. One feels blissful for no reason whatsoever. This is the upward rise of energy (urdhvagati).

Now see this flow the other way around. When there is no bliss in life, then our energy tends to drop further and we experience anger. From anger springs hatred and aversion. This leads to a sense of fear. Fear, as it grows, gives rise to jealousy and envy, which in turn gives rise to lust, feverishness, and obsession. And lust and obsession bring us into the trap of inertia and negativity. This is the downward flow of energy (adhogati).

The Sign Posts

This upward or downward flow of energy is happening naturally and spontaneously all the time in life. Our objective is to channel this flow upward. Yoga, meditation, pranayamas, Sudarshan Kriya and other breathing techniques can bring about an upward shift effectively and naturally. I have created retreat programs with meditations which focus on balancing the flow of life energy.

A Word of Caution

Here is a word of caution. The energy should be channeled naturally and effortlessly. I have seen many people trying to forcibly move up the energy and ending up losing balance in life. A sudden rush of energy can make one go nuts and create many complications. On the contrary, when the energy rises naturally and through proper techniques, it takes one from lethargy to bliss.

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