Yoga for Women
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Yoga For Women
Successful, Multi-tasking, Parent, Workaholic, Home-Maker and Essence of a family. Today’s woman has surpassed the odds to deserve these tags. But, have they also got along Stress, Frustration and Pressure? Yoga is the answer for the advanced Woman of tod ...Yoga en Embarazo: Información Util y Consejos
Durante el embarazo, cuando el cuerpo de la mujer está totalmente comprometido en la creación de una nueva vida, el yoga puede ser muy beneficioso y terapéutico. Si son practicadas lenta y suavemente, las asanas de yoga no solo relajaran y fortalecerán el ...
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Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.Read More