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  1. Mejora tus habilidades comunicativas con Yoga

    “El equilibrio interno que se encuentra en el yoga se refleja en la personalidad y en las habilidades comunicativas también”, nos cuenta Anisha Sharma, escritora, docente y periodista, llena de energía y creatividad). Algunos años atrás, cuando comencé co ...
  2. Nuevos desafíos para los yoguis modernos

    Desde sus comienzos, hace 5 mil años, el yoga ha beneficiado a millones de personas de diferentes razas y culturas. Actualmente, esta disciplina milenaria también penetra con fuerza en Occidente, pues se han soltado los prejuicios y comprobado sus benefic ...
  3. How To Do Surya Namaskar

    Sun Salutation – The Perfect Yoga Workout If you are pressed for time and looking for a single mantra to stay fit, here’s the answer. A set of 12 powerful yoga asanas (postures) that provide a good cardiovascular workout in the form of Surya Namaskar. Lit ...
  4. Yoga For Women

    Successful, Multi-tasking, Parent, Workaholic, Home-Maker and Essence of a family. Today’s woman has surpassed the odds to deserve these tags. But, have they also got along Stress, Frustration and Pressure? Yoga is the answer for the advanced Woman of tod ...
  5. Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Commentary by Sri Sri

    We will begin with a story, the greatest and most effective way of conveying knowledge. Once upon a time, long ago, all the Munis and Rishis approached Lord Vishnu to tell him that even though He (incarnated as Lord Dhanvanthari) had given them the means ...
  6. Yoga For The Modern-day Man

    As a child, I grew up watching cartoon characters like Superman, Popeye and Hercules. These men were brave, strong and ever helpful. Whatever be the catastrophe, they would always turn up and defeat the bad guys, no matter whatever the size of their foe. ...
  7. Basic Tips to Get Started With Yoga

    How often do we figure a person doing the headstand against some picturesque backdrop and say ‘yoga is not for me’ You might want to revisit your thought once you go through the basic tips which yoga has to offer. Read them and find yourself doing yoga ag ...
  8. Lose Weight With Yoga

    Often we blame our genes for us being on the wrong side of the scale. Don't we? But try giving it a second thought and you see will see that there is a lot in our hands. This article gives you an insight to weight loss with yoga and for those who are ...
  9. Beneficios del Yoga

    Los 10 principales beneficios del yoga 🤸‍♀️   La pérdida de peso, la obtención de un cuerpo fuerte y flexible, evidenciar una piel saludable y aquietar la mente son algunos de los objetivos que muchas personas se plantean alcanzar en diferentes etapas de ...
  10. Respiración y atención, las claves de una buena postura de yoga

    Tips sencillos Inhalá al iniciar la postura. ​ Respirá por la nariz en forma normal al mantenerla.  Exhalá al desarmar la pose.  En todo momento, tomá conciencia del cuerpo y la respiración. Las posturas de yoga, conocidas como asanas, son ejercicios que ...
Displaying 11 - 20 of 123
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.Read More