What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. The Password To Life

    Zagreb, Croatia The language of the heart transcends words and feelings. What we think we know in the universe is only very little as compared to what we don’t know. What we don’t know is a lot, and meditation is the door to the unknown. Shake hands with t ...
  2. What is Wisdom?

    Delhi, India (India Today Conclave is a signature event of India Today Group, India's leading media conglomerate. Over the last eleven years it has hosted the best minds in politics, finance, business, academia, technology, arts, etc., from across the worl ...
  3. Meditation Can Change Your Destiny

    Delhi, India If we sit and spend some time being with ourselves, reposing in ourselves for just a short while every day, then that is what meditation is. There is so much to do, why should we meditate? Meditation helps increase energy in the body. The life ...
  4. Bring Light to the World

    Bangalore, India Sit in satsang and go inward; that is what is important. (Audience: Don’t go) You should not say that. There are many programs and people are expecting me. I don’t like to disappoint anybody. Even today, I said, I will stay back for someti ...
  5. You Can Only Give What You Already Have

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, you said there is freedom in giving away your rights, and nobody can take away what is yours. Now, if somebody takes away my rights to something, should I just wait believing that it is mine and it will come back to me, or should ...
  6. Are You Over Analysing?

    Bangalore, India Many times we analyse ourselves too much. We keep thinking, this is happening to me, that is not happening; . or I want this, and I want that; or what I did there was so wrong, what I did here was right, etc. We get so entangled into too m ...
  7. A Conversation Without Words

    Bangalore, India We need to see and observe that whatever thoughts come to our mind, are all useless. Every thought is about the past. These thoughts that arise in the mind are a projection of the past on the consciousness. Whatever has happened in the pas ...
  8. The Power of the Guru Tatva

    Bangalore, India When one is with the Guru, and following the path, is it necessary even then to participate or conduct rituals? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you have unshakeable faith on the Guru Tattva, then there is no need for anything else. But if you fee ...
  9. Whatever Happens, Happens

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, how to live life with absolute confidence that Guru or God is there to take care of me when I have surrendered? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There is no way you can do it! You simply have to bear the cross. ‘Whatever happens, happens’, j ...
  10. Drop Your Problems

    Bangalore, India Truth is that from which you cannot escape and also which you cannot describe. It is very difficult to describe the truth, and equally difficult to avoid it. Similarly, beauty is something which you cannot possess, and you cannot renounce ...