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  1. What Is Shiva?

    Shiva- The Cause Of All Causes Shiva can be split as Sha + ee + va where • Sha stands for shareeram or body •  Ee stands for eeshwara or life giving energy •  Va stands for vayu or motion Thus Shiva represents the body with life and motion. If the ' ...
  2. Yoga For Beginners

    . What is Pranayama? 2. What is Sudarshan Kriya all about?   3. Prana, Aura and Energy   4. The Dance of Yoga     5. The Definition of a Healthy Mind                       ...
  3. India and its Ancient Spiritual Wisdom

    . The Meaning of Tantra 2. The highest knowledge of the Universe 3. What Are The Vedas?   4. Significance of Raksha Bandhan     5. Significance of Gaytri Mantra                       ...
  4. Personality Development Videos

    . Never Give Up 2. The Sign of an Educated Person                           ...
  5. The Art Of Living

    . What is Sudarshan Kriya all about? 2. The role of The Art of Living in the world   3. What is Pranayama?                         ...
  6. Life behind Life

    . What Really Is Love? 2. A note on the soul. How do I know my soul?   3. Sri Sri on the God Particle- Higgs Boson                         ...
  7. Sailing Through The Storms

    . I worry all the time. How to stop? 2. Why do I have so many problems?   3. Why is life full of conflicts   4. Why is there suffering? How to overcome it?     5. How to mend my broken heart?   6. How to deal with attraction towards the same sex?         ...
  8. Relationships

    . How to make a marriage work 2. How to deal with a difficult husband? 3. I cannot forget my lover. What do I do?   4. Mistakes and blame     5. How to mend my broken heart?   6. Criticism 7. Guru Mandala & One Pointed Focus 8. Does having sex hinder ...
  9. The Path to Spiritual Evolution

    . Maintaining a state of equanimity. 2. Why is it required to control sense pleasures? 3. Go Beyond Desires 4. The Three Types of Maya 5. Allow God Into Your Life 6. The Ultimate Truth 7. Guru Mandala & One Pointed Focus 8. Does having sex hinder my ...