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  1. Longing for worldly things makes you inert, longing for infinity fills you with life
  2. When you see events as just 'happenings' rather than as doings, you are liberated right away
  3. Creation is anxious to fulfill your desires when you are hollow and empty.
  4. Arjuna means one who is hungry for Knowledge. Knowledge is given to one who is hungry for it
  5. The formless is ruling your life. The formless is ruling the world. And there is a greater formlessness that is ruling this entire creation. And you are the center of that formlessness.
  6. The mind looks for something new. The heart longs for the old. Life is a blend of both.
  7. When you consider Life as sacred,Nature waits on you
  8. The only purpose for this body to exist is to make you aware of how beautiful you are, and to make you aware that it is possible to live all the values you cherish and create a world of divinity around you.
  9. This creation, this very life, is a mystery, and the mystery cannot be understood. But it can be lived in its totality.
  10. There is a song deep inside you. You are born to sing a song and you are preparing. You are moving around in the stage with your dresses, but you are forgetting to sing---holding the mike, too, but you are keeping silent. Till that time, you'll be re
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