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  1. The centre focus of our life is spiritual growth, is peace, and then all other things will be around that. Your first and foremost commitment in life is to be with the Truth, to evolve in truth.  
  2. The entire life is a futile exercise to express the inexpressible  
  3. Look at your life in contrast with the magnitude of Creation, space and time. Your life becomes insignificant. Ego disappears.  
  4. Everything in this universe is dynamic. There is nothing that is static. Even the mountains appear to be static, but they are not static, they are all dynamic. Every atom is dynamic in this universe.
  5. Life springs from love- the origin is love and life seeks love. The goal of life is also love, and in between life is sustained by love.
  6. The rush to enjoy robs the joy from life. All the rush that you have in your life only denies the joy and freedom of here and now. Slowing down does not mean lethargy or procrastination. It is easy to be in either extreme of being in a rush or being letha
  7. The whole philosophy of life is based on letting go.
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