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  1. Art of Living Happiness Program

    Live with Joy, Purpose and Confidence Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Art of Living Happiness Program this potential is set free and you gain a greater vision of who you are. You find you have the power t ...
  2. Intro Video

    Od80DFjYVv4 ...
  3. Testimonial001

    “I had an unforgettable experience during the Sudharshan Kriya. I just wanted the experience to go on and on.. It’s a journey to love. That beautiful experience will stay with me forever. With regular practice of this unique breathing technique, I have be ...
  4. Artists meditation camp, Bangalore

    Artists meditate and create new colors of ideas on their pallete The Art of Living has been promoting art and culture through its various events. In January 2010, Antarnaad, the musical symphony in Pune, several artists created a symphony of expressions o ...
  5. Testimonial5

    "I have been practicing the breathing and meditation techniques learned at the Art of Living Part 1 course for more than five years now. It has helped me to remain calm and focused in even the most stressful of circumstances. I strongly recommend it ...
  6. Sri Lankan Cricket Captain calls upon Sri Sri

    Sri Lankan cricket team captain Kumar Sangakkara thanked Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and The Art of Living for helping the Sri Lankan cricket team to come out of trauma after the Lahore attack. Kumar Sangakara called on Gurudev in Colombo on January 23. ...
  7. Sudarshan Kriya 1

    axLMz32oVY8 ...
  8. Part 1 Testimonial_71

    Jitoko jnr I could feel many changes in my life. For example having clear mind & also implementing good decision making, also cure some of my minor injuries & complete relaxation. Sleep earlier & also having good sleep. I will continue this co ...
  9. Part 1 Testimonial_67

    Savenaca The benefit of this program is great. I have experienced a change in my lifestyle. My breathing problem is getting better now. I am feeling fit. ...
  10. Part 1 Testimonial_68

    Youth from Bihar, India I spent most of my time running from the law. I shifted drugs from one area to another. I made a lot of money, but I wasted it on alcohol. The Art of Living program gave me a new way to live my life. I am inspired to serve my commu ...