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  1. Ravi Shankar's Mass Meditation for World Peace: 70,000 Gather at World Culture Festival

    For a second, close your eyes and picture this: 70,000 people from around the world assembled in mass meditation, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder in a shared moment of silence, their eyes closed and minds free from any cultural or religious differences. Earli ...
  2. On a green mission

    Sanju Soman, an 18-year-old BA Psychology student at SN College, Chempazhanthy, is behind the ‘drive’ and has been continuing his journey for the past six months. He takes a 26-kilometre to-and-fro cycle ride every day from the LMS Hostel in the city, wher ...
  3. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A yogi doesn't mind criticism at all

    Q) You have been an active participant in the India Against Corruption campaign led by Anna Hazare. However once a spiritual master enters the political arena, he will be criticised like any other politician. Are you prepared for this? Will not your devote ...
  4. Corrupt Times Lead India To Spiritual Leaders

    "The government of India is corrupt." Ask any passerby on the streets of India to confirm this, and they'll agree. Yet the statement, declarative as it is, in fact is old news that the people of India have known for a long time. Corruption, mainly through ...
  5. Cracking the Life code

    “Basically what we have in mind is, why do you want to lead the life you have to lead when you can lead the life you want to lead?” Read More ...
  6. Good people should stand against injustice

    “This country has deteriorated not because of bad people but because of good people, because they didn’t stand up against injustice,” said Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the Anandotsav Divya Mahasatsang, at Miramar Beach on Wednesday. He was addressing th ...
  7. Breathe easy

    Mohamad Kadry ( We speak with yoga teacher Jyothirmaya from the Art of Living Foundation as he brings an exciting new workshop to Dubai that aims to educate people on the benefits of meditation How can yoga help ease some of the stre ...
  8. Flanders Today

    The Art of Living, the worldwide spiritual movement initiated by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, recently celebrated its 30 years of existence with a big World Culture Festival in Berlin. With millions of followers in 151 countries, the foundation is huge, w ...
  9. The Stress-Breath Connection

    by Michael Fischman The breath can be a powerful tool for regulating the mind and eliminating stress and impurities. Inhalation brings vital energy to the body, and exhalation relieves stress and eliminates toxins. The breath is also related to the vital l ...