Anti Drug Forum and the Art of Living (русский заголовок)



Sam Pillay, Chairperson of the Anti Drug Forum (ADF) in Durban, South Africa shares his insight regarding addiction, “The ADF firmly believes that it is essential to deal with the psychological aspects of addiction since this makes up to 95% of the rehabilitation process. Most addictions prey on the mind of the individual and thus it is essential to redirect the mind-set of the person in rehabilitation. This is why the Art of Living Foundation ‘Upliftment Program’ was adopted as a mandatory and crucial aspect of the rehabilitation process.”


Ayub and Selma Khan, parents, whose
son, Zubair (pictured above) has been
drug free for almost two years, sing
only praises about the Upliftment Program:

“When I first attended the program with
my family, I was very cynical. At that
point of our lives we had thought we had
tried everything for my son.

He had been to numerous rehab centers
but to no avail. The stress his addiction
was placing on our family was unbearable.

We did the program and what a difference
it has made. We have completed the
program four times and with each time
it just made our family stronger and stronger.

I can’t stop smiling and laughing now
and it is all thanks to the ADF and the
Upliftment Program.”


Since the inception of the Anti Drug Forum wellness centre in January 2005, the pioneering holistic multi-disciplinary approach to rehabilitation has met with great measures of success: especially with patients who are committed to rehabilitation.

The impact of the Art of Living Foundation Upliftment Program is phenomenal and is the key component on the road to rehabilitation. Designed to refocus the mind through the use of breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques. The program provides a crucial coping mechanism for those who are in rehabilitation. For it is during the first few weeks that the patient is often overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. Not being able to deal with these inconsistent feelings often causes the individual to relapse. The program also aids in managing one’s emotions and coping with the stress that the drug abuser not only inflicted on themselves but also on all those who love and care for them.

Sam Pillay continued, “Parents, caregivers and family members are encouraged to attend and experience the course together with the patients. The forum believes this is necessary to rebuild families especially after the trauma the family has experienced because of the addiction of one or more member.”

Most of the patients also enter the program filled with questions however this soon changes as Brandon one of our patients shares “I feel so calm and relaxed after attending the course. It is amazing how simply breathing can make such a huge difference to your thinking. Everything becomes clearer.
I now realize that there is a whole new life to be enjoyed.”

“The ADF is truly grateful to the Art of Living Foundation especially their dedicated teachers who give up their time so willingly to the success of the program. The dedication to assist those seeking help must be commended.” shares Sam Pillay

The daily attendance of free wellness centre added up to about four thousand in the past year and these statistics continue to grow on a daily basis as the centre continues to assist all seeking rehabilitation from substance abuse.

The Anti Drug Forum wellness centre is opened Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm at the Chatsworth Child Welfare Centre in Durban. The support group sessions takes place every Thursday night at 19:00pm at the Chatsworth Youth Centre. For more information about the course please call Tel No: (031) 403 1150 or Tel No: (031) 401 1429.