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  1. Gurudev, I read the Namaz five times daily. I have joined the Art of Living since six to seven months. Can we do our meditation along with our Namaz or should we have a separate time for meditation?

    You can continue performing your Namaz as you always do, and thereafter you can do your meditation separately once you have finished. You can do it at the same time, or you can also choose to do it before or after performing the Namaz. ...
  2. Gurudev, please ask the people here to plant one tree each when they go back to their homes in the towns and villages so that the proportion of oxygen increases in the atmosphere. I find that many of them do not do so once they return from here.

    I would not agree with your request of just planting one tree only. I would suggest that each person should plant five trees at least. You know when we had come to this land here where the Ashram is now, it was completely dry and barren. You could not e ...
  3. Gurudev, in Maharashtra we have a saying which means that how can one say who is greater – God or the Guru. Please explain this, else I would believe as I always have that the Sadguru is always greater.

    Well, yes that saying is true. There is a couplet by Saint Kabir in Hindi that says, "Guru Govind dou khade, kaake lagoon paao;Balihari Guru aapne Govind diyo bataye".(Saint Kabir writes: Both God and the Guru are before me, wh ...
  4. A Piece Of The Master

    (Below is a continuation of post Meditation Brings Revelation) Gurudev, why do we fear loneliness? Why do we always long for someone’s company? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You feel this way because you have never gone deep into your inner Self. You have not met ...
  5. Gurudev, how can we be your Masterpiece?

    You are already one! You are a piece of the Master, and you should go and spread the peace of the Master. ...
  6. How do I build an affinity and attachment towards knowledge?

    This very question indicates that you already have it my dear. Why do you keep looking for it when you already have it?If you think that you do not have an affinity for knowledge and then you strive to cultivate it, I tell you, it is never ...
  7. Gurudev, what is the secret behind your beauty and attractiveness?

    In English it is said, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. So beauty lies in the eyes of the one who observes. When your mind is happy and peaceful, then you will also see joy and happiness in the world around you, and you see everyon ...
  8. How do I know if I really love someone or is it merely attraction?

    Time will tell you. Ask them to behave tough towards you and then you will know. When someone puts too many demands on you, then you will be able to know how much you really honor them. ...
  9. Gurudev, are inter-caste or inter-religious marriages wrong according to Dharma?

    No, not at all. It is not the caste or religion that is wrong. It is your compatibility that is important here. Do not go to someone and tell them, “I cannot live without you” when you are in a state of emotional upsurge. If you do so in an ...
  10. Gurudev, why do we fear loneliness? Why do we always long for someone’s company?

    You feel this way because you have never gone deep into your inner Self. You have not met your Self. The moment you become aware and realize your inner true Self, I tell you, all fears and negativity simply disappear. How can one meet one’s ...