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  1. Gurudev, how do you deal with a family member who is stiff and bitter?

    Deal with them with patience and compassion. They are going through some rough patches. Do not pay much attention to what they say, and do not say too much to them. Take anything they say with a smile. Give them some space to calm down and get rid of wh ...
  2. What recommendations or suggestions would you give to parents who want their children to be as happy and fulfilled in their life as possible?

    There are a number of things but I think we are short of time. Do not make them sit in the virtual world for too long. Kids usually sit in front of television or computer for hours. Please do not let that happen. They live in a virtual world. And also t ...
  3. Many people believe that there is a certain non-manifested part of our physical self. Could you please talk about it?

    You are correct. There is a physical body and a casual body. The casual body is much larger. What is your experience when you are happy? An expansion happens. There is something in you that expands, and when that expansion happens you feel happy. And wh ...
  4. Are there other beings on other planets?

    I cannot say no because this universe is so unfathomable. It is so vast. How can anybody say that there are no beings elsewhere. If somebody says so then they are completely unscientific. Of course there are other beings. There are different leve ...
  5. Gurudev, all the pain and suffering that we experience goes to the big mind. How does it deal with so many deaths and accidents?

    Suffering is like a knot. What happens when you remove the knot? Does it go somewhere? It is like a shadow. Does shadow go somewhere when there is light? No. Did you get it? Just think about it. ...
  6. Gurudev, tomorrow in America, we are celebrating Mother’s Day. You said that your mother was your first spiritual teacher. Could you say something about the spiritual values of motherhood, and may be a story about your own mother?

    Mother is the first connection for you to this manifest world. You came into this world through mother, and of course because of your father too. There is motherhood in each and every one of us. Motherhood is wanting the best for others and not ex ...
  7. The Judgmental Tendency

    (Below is a continuation of the post Make Space For Life To Live) Gurudev, I work in the entertainment industry which is full of many unconscious and inconsiderate people. As someone who meditates and is trying to lead a spiritual life, what advice do you ...
  8. How would you define full maturity in a human being?

    A smile that does not wither away, a confidence that doesn’t get shaken, a compassion that never dies down and a youthfulness of spirit which is alive all the time would define it for me. ...
  9. What is the difference between other species or creatures on this planet and the beings who are enlightened? You have described how we should not let emotions affect us, be centered and be in the present moment. I see animals being that way at every moment. Seems like there is no difference between other species and a yogi and we are the only one who are different.

    The other species are very limited in the three dimensions that we spoke earlier. Their awareness is limited. Their knowledge is limited and their ability to express love is also limited. Human physiology has this unique ability to comprehend know ...
  10. I am 21 years old, how can I stop my drug addiction? I want to stop drugs. I don’t like to take drugs but I can’t control. Every time I think I won’t take drugs I end up taking them.

    There is no point in giving advice to someone who cannot implement it. Best thing is to go the de-addiction centers. Stay some time there. And there are de-addiction centers which teach Sudarshan Kriya and meditation and help people come out of it very ...