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  1. The Science behind Yoga

    Yoga is a spiritual discipline dating back to some 5000 years in the history of Indian philosophy, its purpose, mainly to unleash spiritual and mental powers of an individual. However, in recent times yoga has been extremely popular in the context of figh ...
  2. Backbend for a Stronger Back

    Backbends are one of the most difficult asanas for the body to perform, as they require great flexibility and balance. Contrary to popular belief, backbend stretching is neither stressful nor dangerous, but is highly beneficial to the body as well as the ...
  3. Demystifying Yoga with Sri Sri

    Renowned Spiritual Leader, Humanitarian & Founder, The Art of Living Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will lead Yoga celebrations with thousands of New Yorkers at the Lincoln Centre. A prominent voice of Yoga, he has taken this ancient Indian science to 1 ...
  4. The Truth about Yoga

    Yoga is that which gives you pleasure and comfort. The definition for ' asana ' is a posture that is stable and pleasant. You should feel comfortable when doing yoga asanas. What is the definition of comfort? When you don't feel the body. I ...
  5. A Brief History of Yoga

      When you hear the word ‘yoga’, chances are that an image of people twisting in presumably painful poses might pop up in your head. Yes, postures or asanas are an important part of the teachings of yoga, but they are not all that there is to it. So, how ...
  6. 8 Reasons Why You Need To Do Yoga

    If you haven’t been living under a rock all your life, chances are that you have heard about world’s first ever International Day of Yoga! If you are amongst those who have always seen yoga as a way of twisting and bending the body in painful poses, it’s ...
  7. Know How to Get Instant Benefits From Yoga

    On International Yoga Day,  India Today  brings you an exclusive interview with  Gurudev   Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder Art of Living to understand yoga and its unexplored secrets which can benefit you in everyday life. Lets start the journey of Yoga wit ...
  8. The Importance of a Guru on the Path of Yoga

    Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. The blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga.  ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The saints and sages of ancient times evolved and perfected over centuries a system of self-developmen ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More