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  1. Run Better With Yoga

    "No pain, no gain!" Seven –time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger said this phrase sometime during his career which went on to become the workout attitude defining statement of our times. It is crisp and apt, just the way a phrase should be. But ...
  2. Superman Pose (Viparita Shalabhasana)

    The Superman Pose is similar to a flying superman high in the air. This is where this yoga posture gets its nickname. viparita = inverted/ reversed; shalabh = locust; asana = pose/posture It is pronounced as Vip-a-RHEETH-uh shah-lah-BHAAHS-uh-nuh This pos ...
  3. Yoga For The Modern-day Man

    As a child, I grew up watching cartoon characters like Superman, Popeye and Hercules. These men were brave, strong and ever helpful. Whatever be the catastrophe, they would always turn up and defeat the bad guys, no matter whatever the size of their foe. ...
  4. Basic Tips to Get Started With Yoga

    How often do we figure a person doing the headstand against some picturesque backdrop and say ‘yoga is not for me’ You might want to revisit your thought once you go through the basic tips which yoga has to offer. Read them and find yourself doing yoga ag ...
  5. Lose Weight with Yoga

    Often we blame our genes for us being on the wrong side of the scale. Don't we? But try giving it a second thought and you see will see that there is a lot in our hands. This article gives you an insight to weight loss with yoga and for those who are ...
  6. Relieve yourself from Irritable Bowel Syndrome with yoga

    The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a physical disorder that causes abdominal pain, discomfort, nausea, flatulence and bloating. If you are suffering from this gastrointestinal tract disorder, abnormal erratic bowel movements are common. So, you are lik ...
  7. Celebrate Valentine's Day All Through The Year With Yoga

    The winter has just bid good bye in most parts of the world and summer is yet to set in. That leaves us with the a beautiful season of spring. You open your window and see the fresh flowers blooming everywhere. The parks are flooded with children on the s ...
  8. 6 Yoga Poses for Dancers

    In  India,  the  ancient  life  science  of  Yoga  and  the  art  form of  dance  have  been  intertwined  for  centuries.  The  practice  of Yoga  brings  about  stability,  poise  and  balance  in  body,  mind,  and  spirit.  Similarly,  the  elegant,   ...
  9. Sparkling eyes for Facebook users

    Spending hours on your laptop does not probably leave you enough time to take care of that precious face of yours, which practically talks more about you than Facebook! They say, "Your eyes are the window of your soul!" How much effort do we put ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More