The teenage phase of life is very different as they have more independence than a kid but don’t have the freedom of an adult. They face the overwhelming intensity of hormonal changes, mood swings, emotional imbalance and many kinds of distractions.
You may dive into this blog for inspirational quotes by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and share them with your adolescent children to inspire them. These quotes will be a guiding force to parent your teens in a better way.
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“Your company can create Hell for you in Heaven or Heaven for you in Hell. Judge for yourself!”
Teenagers are generally better influenced by their friends. If the company of their friends drags them towards blame, complaints, desires, aversions, aggression, doubts and dejections, it is bad company. The good company of friends will pull your teenagers towards joy, enthusiasm, love, trust, service and wisdom. Parents need to help their teens judge their company for the good.
“Parents gain respect and love from their teens when they show broad-mindedness.”
Your teens will naturally respect you if you show wisdom, generosity, forgiveness and understanding. Many times, parents hold on to things and exhibit small-mindedness due to insecurity, and thus your teens may then disrespect you. When there is respect, love follows.
“Use anger as a tool but don’t be a tool of anger.”
Parents might use anger to get things done by their teenagers when they are unwilling. You may show anger towards children instead of really getting angry. In other words, you should remain calm and only pretend to be angry. Becoming a tool of anger is to be carried away in the angry moments and lose self-control. It may prove to be detrimental to the parent-teen relationship.
“Authority can stifle freedom, creativity and progress if it is not in the right perspective, right dosage and right hands.”
When parents show a higher order of authority (in Authoritarian parenting) with unexplained rules, teens develop low self-esteem, lesser cognitive abilities and a lack of confidence, preventing their holistic development. On the other hand, with negligible authority (in Permissive parenting), their teens become impulsive, aggressive, unimaginative and irresponsible. Gurudev suggests handling teens with care and skill, as they need physical and emotional balance.
“Teenagers need not be emotionally dependent or independent.”
Drop both these concepts as they may have an adverse impact on the child’s development. Emotional independence may not be in teens as they are dependent on their parents and friends. They might turn out to be arrogant or rebellious if they strive to be emotionally independent. In the case of emotional dependence, they may cry and throw tantrums at the drop of a hat. Just know that teens are developing their emotions. Examine how teens can focus on studies while also excelling in their talents (arts, science or sports).
“Teenagers ride on life like a bicycle - balancing studies, career, relationships and dreams.”
While riding a bicycle, you don't have to think twice about which pedal to push to move forward. With practice, it comes to you naturally. You pedal right-left-right and so on to keep moving ahead. Similarly, depending on the requirements, your teen should take up studies, plan their career, take care of relationships with parents and friends, and work towards pursuing their dreams. Gradually, they will know which aspect of their life requires attention and when is the best time to switch between the priorities of life.
“Without blaming teenagers, make them understand!”
It needs skill and patience to make your teenagers understand without blaming them. Direct (and redirect) your conversation back to the main issue of what you can control. It will help make a difference in your teens' understanding.
“Parents and teachers have to swallow the anger of their teenagers.”
For the well-being of your teenagers, you may have to sometimes swallow their anger from frustration. Do not take their angry words personally, as they are just signs of their growing independence. Expand your boundaries but enforce some home rules and family values. Let them earn the privilege of a bedroom by doing some household chores.
“Teenagers can benefit from learning lessons through music.”
Gurudev suggests teens learn their difficult lessons by developing them in their favorite songs. It will help in recalling. Ayurveda is a rhythmic recitation. Rhythms help us remember it faster. In ancient scriptures, you will find that numbers are associated with stories. It helps in recalling the numbers. Learning your lessons with music gives the brain a multisensory “workout” that can strengthen memory, help pay attention and even enhance reading ability.
“Avoid having relationships in teens.”
According to science, hormonal changes in teens happen naturally. It may influence a teen to have relationships with other teens. When teens are engaged in activity and creativity, they will not sense the stimulation associated with the changes. Therefore, the teenage phase needs to pass through with self-control. For instance, a tree with mangoes should be allowed to ripen properly on the tree. If small green mangoes are plucked-out, they will not ripen properly off the tree and will not taste nice. However, their ripening into big yellow mangoes makes them tastier. Similarly, hormonal changes may drive your teens crazy. Your support and guidance may help soothe the stimulation caused by hormonal changes.
Inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s wisdom talks
Written by: Pratibha Sharma
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Reference links
“Use anger as a tool but don’t be a tool of anger.”
“Teenagers need not be emotionally dependent or independent.”
“Your company can create Hell for you in Heaven -- or Heaven for you in Hell. Judge for yourself!” - Book “An intimate note to the sincere seeker” Vol 2. Page 10
“Parents gain respect and love from their teens when they show broad-mindedness.” - From 1:08 minutes