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How Yoga Can Transform Your Life
Life always moves towards perfection. Just like how water flows down and fire goes up, the nature of life is to move towards perfection, to move towards something bigger and something higher. Often people say that the mind is wavering, but the mind is not ... -
Change the Way You See The World
“A seeker is one who knows that, intrinsically, every human being is a spark of Divinity, and so they cannot be bad. I tell you, there is no bad human being created by the Creator. Everyone has light in them." Click To Tweet Do you believe in the goodness ... -
What is Freedom? What Does It Mean to be Truly Free?
What is Freedom? It is a natural tendency of every human being to want to be free. Freedom is not luxury, it is a necessity. Not just human beings, but even animals want freedom. Babies want freedom. If you tie a scarf on the neck of a baby, it just wants ... -
The Six Kinds of Wealth – Shat Sampathi
Since ancient times, it is said that strength of character is very essential. The Shat Sampatti are the six virtues that contribute towards one’s greatness in character – hence termed as wealth. In this article, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains each ... -
How to Cultivate Faith?
"When you have faith, you do not feel insecure because you know that there is someone who is protecting you at all times." Click To Tweet Faith cannot be cultivated, it is simply there! You have parked your car in the parking lot, and you have faith that i ... -
5 Ways to Experience Meditation
Getting back to that serenity which is our original nature is meditation. Absolute joy and happiness is meditation. A pleasure minus excitement is meditation. A thrill without anxiety is meditation. A love without hatred or any of the opposite values is m ... -
What is spirituality? Is it important for people? Can youth also be spiritual?
Yes, absolutely, spirituality is meant for everyone. We are made up of body, mind, and spirit. The body needs amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals. Similarly, what does the mind need? It needs happiness, love, creativity; all this is part of s ... -
What can we do to help the refugees get connected to spirituality when even their basic needs are not met?
Why only the refugees? Even the slum dwellers are in the same position. See, you cannot go on supplying everybody with everything they need. You do whatever is within your capacity. Along with that, if the refugees are in the violent mode they can creat ... -
Is there any way to study spirituality scientifically? I want to do that.
Yes, spirituality is anyways scientific. What does science mean? Systematic, logical understanding which leads to something beyond the arena of the known. Here, science is exploring into the unknown through the known. Spirituality is exactly the ... -
How do you connect to the different sections of society so easily and make spirituality relevant to them? Do you think that ISIS can be reformed through spirituality too?
I never lose hope in anything. I only wish that everyone gets a taste of this. See, deep inside, everyone is a human being. If you keep aside your concepts and if you keep aside your intellect which has shrouded the beautiful soul, you will see ...