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  1. Gurudev, I am a Government servant. My earnings are meager. Can I lead a successful and luxurious life without engaging in corruption?

    Do you want to sleep in peace? Do you want to walk fearlessly? Do you want to live with confidence with your head held high? The happiness that you get from leading an honest life is something you can never get by leading a dishonest life. You may hav ...
  2. Gurudev, the way today’s TV serials depict characters like Mahadev, Parvati, Jalandhar, etc., is it realistic? Please shed some light on this.

    Well, it does not quite appeal to me either. They show Parvati (the consort of Lord Shiva and form of Mother Divine) as someone who keeps getting angry, keeps getting upset so easily and keeps yelling every now and then. These are not divine qualities ...
  3. You Can Only Give What You Already Have

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, you said there is freedom in giving away your rights, and nobody can take away what is yours. Now, if somebody takes away my rights to something, should I just wait believing that it is mine and it will come back to me, or should ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, there is a friend of mine who is working in a government factory. She has not received her salary for the past seven months now, but she is still smiling. She has asked me to convey this to you Gurudev.

    Yes I know this. It is so surprising that some people who are working in government offices have not gotten their salary for the whole year. How do they pay their bills? The same is the case with some airlines. I was surprised to know that some airlin ...
  5. Why does Lord Brahma have no temple except in North India?

    Lord Brahma has no temple because he has finished his job and has already created the world too. Why would people worship him when his job is done? See, the temples were made much later. Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Maheshwara (a name of Lord Shiva) ...
  6. Are You Over Analysing?

    Bangalore, India Many times we analyse ourselves too much. We keep thinking, this is happening to me, that is not happening; . or I want this, and I want that; or what I did there was so wrong, what I did here was right, etc. We get so entangled into too m ...
  7. Learn To Look Beyond

    Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post Everything Is An Expansion Of That One) Lord Krishna says, ‘Sa taya shraddhaya yuktas tasyaradhanam ihate. Labhate cha tathah kaman mayaiva vihitan hi tan’. (7.22) Whatever we receive in life is because ...
  8. What Is Swadharma?

    Bangalore, India Gurudev what is Swadharma, and how do I know what is my Swadharma? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Swadharma is that action which is in accordance with your nature. It is acting in accordance with your skills and talents, your own nature (svabhava), ...
  9. Can we ask you some rapid fire questions?

    Yes, go ahead. Who are you? Good Question to ask yourself. Who were you in your past life? That is a secret, I will tell you some other time. What is and who is God? What and who is not God. How should we feel god? ...
  10. Gurudev what is Swadharma, and how do I know what is my Swadharma?

    Swadharma is that action which is in accordance with your nature. It is acting in accordance with your skills and talents, your own nature (svabhava), and that which you are responsible for (karma) . Any action that does not mak ...