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  1. The Password To Life

    Zagreb, Croatia The language of the heart transcends words and feelings. What we think we know in the universe is only very little as compared to what we don’t know. What we don’t know is a lot, and meditation is the door to the unknown. Shake hands with t ...
  2. There Is No Need To Keep Talking

    Tokyo, Japan We are a global family. I would like to create waves of happiness in Japan. You should all get together to bring glory to the youth of this country. I always say, wherever I go in the world that we have to learn teamwork from Japan. By area Ja ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, for the past 9 months, I have been feeling spiritually disconnected. There is no interest, no practice, no seva, and no longing. This has become quite painful. Any advice?

    Such things can happen to people, this is called the Dark night of the soul. Suddenly, you lose interest in spirituality, or anything that is good. Your mind goes into things which are really not evolutionary, or may get into a destructive mode. Such ...
  4. Firmness, Softness & Love

    Montreal, Canada Today is Vaisakhi (a festival celebrated across India especially in the Punjab region by the Sikh community); It is celebrated as the day of the Khalsa in Punjab. Today is the day when the Khalsa clan was started by Guru Gobind Singh to pr ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, why do people seem to love your feet so much? Is it a cultural thing?

    Yes, it is a cultural thing. In Japan, they bend half to greet people. In India, they bend fully and touch the feet. It is said that radiation, energy, comes from the feet. That is the old belief system, which is why they do it. Sometimes, that m ...
  6. What are the five koshas? What is their spiritual significance?

    Kosha means sheath, covering. The first sheath is the environment. If the atmosphere is filled with poisonous gas, can your body exist? No! Because there is air, your body can exist. So, the environment is your first body. Annarasam ...
  7. Changing Frequencies

    Montreal, Canada Gurudev, how does a spiritually oriented scientist survive in an ego filled discipline? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Happily! If you are a scientist, be happy. Just say, ‘Hey, come on! This is all just wave functions.’ If someone is getting annoy ...
  8. Since I joined The Art of Living, you have taken care of all my worries. My only question is, why is it that whenever I see you, my eyes are always full of tears?

    That is correct. That is how it is. In one of the Upanishads, they have spoken about, what happens when you have a sight of the beloved. When you come in touch with wisdom, your heart opens, and when the heart opens, all the doubts in the mind di ...
  9. Gurudev, can we teach at our Orissa University?

    Yes, you could write to the Vice Chancellor. Do you know, we will be starting an Osteopathy College there? It has come up very nicely. Even our Ayurveda College is doing very well. It has received six distinctions, out of ten. Do you know, it is know ...
  10. Sailing On The Ocean Of Time

    Montreal, Canada Today is celebrated as New Year day in India; year 2070. There was a very pious man, who was a king as well. He lived 2070 years ago. So in India, the years were named after him, from then onwards the years were named after him as Vikram y ...