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  1. Gurudev, can the feeling of nationality and spirituality move together? Do you not think that the love for our country limits our expanse?

    No, not at all. Both can go together, and there is no need for any conflict between the two. See, you are a part of a democracy. You are a stakeholder in a particular country and its democracy, so you do have a say in that country’s affairs, and you h ...
  2. Gurudev today is army day, can you please talk about our army or defence forces?

    Indian army has been one of the best armies of the world; very well managed. Their discipline, their commitment, their equality and justice is an example to follow. The army men have cultivated discipline so well! I wish that the youths of this countr ...
  3. You said that the year 2012 was the year of transformation, but nothing has transformed. The same corruption and same crimes are happening.

    Wait! What do you mean? People have stood up against corruption. See what has happened in the last month of 2012, the entire country woke up. People are waking up. Earlier, violence against women was tolerated. Although we have been doing women empow ...
  4. Gurudev, when I know my presence in the world is insignificant it makes me lazy. How can I be excited and at the same time expanded.

    Dream big. Keep your intentions intact, don't worry about any setbacks and keep moving ahead. That is it. ...
  5. Being cynical makes me more pragmatic and helps me deal with the worst situations. Is this wrong?

    Cynicism was once considered fashionable, but today, cynicism has taken over intellectuals to such an extent that it is no longer palatable and it is no longer creative. It does not do any good to oneself or to society. Cynicism is okay if it is like ...
  6. War On Alcoholism Is Essential

    Bangalore, India There are some people who say, 'A little bit of wine is okay, even Lord Shiva had wine'. How do we tackle such statements? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: People do whatever they want to do and they put it in the name of religion, or God to justify ...
  7. Walk Like A King

    Berlin, Germany Why do Angels have wings, what is the symbolism of that? Can you please talk about why we have Angels in the Christian tradition. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Man had a fascination to fly. He wanted to dominate space. Man could walk the Earth, he ...
  8. What is embarrassment?

    Do I have to tell you what is embarrassment? I know of embracement, and not of embarrassment. If you can embrace embarrassment then nothing can shake you. One thing that people try to run away from, is embarrassment. Embarrassment is a mild fo ...
  9. If we are old souls who have been here for eternity, are new experiences ever truly possible?

    Yes, life is ancient yet new. The Sun is very old. It is 19 billion years old, or even more. The Earth is 19 billion years old; Sun must be even more than that, some hundreds of billions of years old. But even today, its rays are fresh and new, i ...