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  1. Wherever There Is Faith Miracles Do Happen

    Kiev, Ukraine We have to spread the joy, the bliss that we have found. More and more people will have to know that there is so much to life. What we know about life is only a little bit. What one has to fathom is a lot. This knowledge is so precious, isn’t ...
  2. Faith Is The Petrol In The Vehicle Of Life

    Bangalore, India Dear Guruji, I have become free from materialistic things, desires and feverishness to a great extent, but when it comes to you, my thirst keeps increasing. What is the solution for this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is okay. When one withdraw ...
  3. Enlightenment Is Present In You As A Seed

    Bangalore, India What we need to understand is that we should know that we already have what we want in life. You start with this intention, ‘I already have what I want’, then what you want will fructify easily. Thinking, ‘I have it’, is like sowing a seed ...
  4. Longing Is The Sign Of The Ripening Of Consciousness

    Bangalore, India Dear Guruji, in the Yogasara Upanishad you have said that the Divine is impersonal. Guru is both, personal and Divine. Can you tell us more about this? How is God impersonal? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, it is both. Like you are form yet you ...
  5. Ojas – Fluid Of Life

    Norway Love is offered to you as a child but when you grow up, somewhere you lose it, and then you try to catch it. You have to climb up to get it. Climb up from the smaller things. That is where real love is. So, when you climb up, get over all the cravin ...
  6. Knowledge Turns Every Nightmare Into A Sweet Dream

    Sofia, Bulgaria Do we create our reality or is everything predetermined? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Do you have a dog at home? (Answer: Yes) See, when you go to the park, you go with a leash on the dog. That is legal. Now, the dog has freedom only for the lengt ...
  7. Inside A Bad Person There Is A Good Person Hiding

    Bulgaria We are in an age of technology. Technology has shrunk the globe into a village. We are in a global village. I would want to see it as a Global Family. This is my dream, to see the world as a One World Family. It is so fortunate that this world has ...
  8. Every Individual Can Instill Faith Or Destroy Faith

    Montreal, Canada Today’s message is that everyone one of you is a leader. You lead somebody somewhere. Either lead them on the right path or lead them astray. This is for sure that everyone is a leader. And if you have to lead everyone in the right path yo ...
  9. Devotion Is Like A Diamond

    Montreal, Canada Devotion is a gift. You can’t take credit for your own devotion. You can’t say, ‘I’m so devoted’. You can’t take any credit. If you are so devoted it is a gift; such a blessing. What does devotion do? Devotion gives you immense happiness, ...
  10. A Criticism Should Go With Compassion And Care

    Montreal, Canada Love is something that you can never get rid of. It is your nature. Either it presents itself in its pure form or it presents itself in a distorted form. Either there is pure love, or pure love gets expressed in a distorted form.What are t ...