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  1. Meditation is Deep Rest

    Q: Could you advise on what is the best way of going into meditation. And is there any kind of special music which can enable you to access that space better? (Ritu Kumar: Fashion designer from India (Recipient of the Padmashree in 2013)) Gurudev: Meditat ...
  2. Intuitive Awareness Increases With Meditation

    Q: How can one live one’s life without self-inflicted guilt and the guilt inflicted by others on us? Gurudev: You are in the right place. Just know this, guilt is like the dust on our clothes, or on our skin. So what do you do? You wash it with a little s ...
  3. Deep Rest With Meditation

    Meditation is not an act; it is the art of doing nothing! The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have. When the mind becomes free from agitation, becomes calm and serene and is at peace, meditation happens. When the mind ...
  4. The Mind

    We have never taken a close look at our minds. The faculty with which we hear and see is the mind. When you listen to someone, you may continuously agree or disagree with what is being said. It is your intellect that is doing this. And you remember what i ...
  5. A Secret to Being a Good Manager

    For a good manager, it is important to be in the present moment with patience and poise! If you are intelligent, you may not be able to bear the lack of intelligence in others. The management profession requires dealing with diverse situations and people. ...
  6. Time for Reflection

    We all need time for reflection. I think every human being needs to sit back for a little while and find that inner peace; it is possible to do this every day. When our minds are agitated or restless and when we are too active, we are not tapping the sour ...
  7. Life is waiting for you to smile

    Our body has the capacity to sustain the vibrations of bliss and peace much longer than negative emotions. That is because positivity is in the centre of our existence. Just as, in the structure of an atom, the protons and neutrons are in the centre and t ...
  8. The Door to Meditation

    This mind is experiencing the world. Who is miserable? If you say, “Oh, I am so miserable,” find out who is miserable, who is hot, who is cold, who is experiencing pain, who is experiencing pleasure, who is happy, who is unhappy, who feels, who is intelli ...
  9. Pravriti and Nivriti (Engaged in action, Retire from action)

    There are two attitudes, one, you see everything as perfect, another is finding various imperfections.  One is called Pravriti, when you’re engaged in action; nivriti, when you retire from action. Often, we are not okay with the way things are around us a ...
  10. Mind and Meditation

    "Have you observed what is happening in your mind every moment? It vacillates between the past and the future. It is either in the past, occupied with what has happened, or in the future thinking about what you have to do. Knowledge is being aware of ...